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Chain in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bindfastenrestrainshackleSimilar words: chairchairmanwheelchairmaintainhairchap.charmChart.Meaning: [tʃeɪn]  n. 1. a series of things depending on each other as if linked together 2. (chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule) 3. a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament 4. a number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership 5. anything that acts as a restraint 6. a unit of length 7. British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming (1906-1979) 8. a series of hills or mountains 9. a necklace made by a stringing objects together. v. 1. connect or arrange into a chain by linking 2. fasten or secure with chains. 
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211. They form the links, at various angles to their neighbours, of a continuous chain.
212. This short call sets off a chain reaction of events.
213. Thus any breakdown in the cold chain could be quantified.
214. About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.
215. It is defined as an average distance from the centre of gravity of a polymer coil to the chain end.
216. As the chain turns the buckets bite into the canal bed and scoop out the mud.
217. They key to the parent was the longest chain of carbon atoms.
218. Today, major chain stores and automakers are slated to release December sales figures.
219. The crowd was on the point of becoming a lynch mob, but were still linked in a human chain.
220. This process is repeated indefinitely, with a stream of input samples being taken and passed along the chain of capacitors.
221. Rally organizers with colored arm-bands link hands, forming a human chain at the crosswalks.
222. In the case of the supermarket chain, size, not necessarily sole ownership, affects the quality of the food.
223. Its grip consisted of brass knuckles, was a chain of rings through which Weary slipped his stubby fingers.
224. The defendants were held not liable for this injury[], as the plaintiff's unreasonable conduct broke the chain of causation.
225. Hemoglobin C is an abnormal hemoglobin in which lysine replaces glutamic acid in position 6 of the beta chain.
226. He came to the defense of his younger brother, Von, by swinging a chain at his attacker.
227. Consider Britain, where Tesco, a supermarket chain, is now the brand with the biggest ad budget.
228. Like a couple of convicts bound together by a ball and chain, neither could betray the other without exposing himself.
229. The forces between atoms on a polymer chain are about two orders of magnitude stronger than those between chains.
230. He considered whether the boys' acts broke the chain of causation.
231. And, by the same token, the world will come to be filled with the links in this causal chain.
232. Where the third party act is negligent, it may or may not break the chain of causation.
233. When the Petrini family sold the chain in 1987, it had annual sales of about $ 150 million a year.
234. Perhaps the most impressive beast of all, is the Current Trends Lion with a heavy duty bicycle chain for its mane.
235. Councillors are desperate to attract the supermarket chain to a site in Grange Road occupied by the Caldaire bus company.
236. The chain had two boxing glove pendants and was valued at £65.
236. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
237. Grease the bike's chain and any other areas that need attention.
238. Wearing a chic, low cut dress and heavy gold chain she meets our gaze with a challenging look.
239. The Andean goose alters the same junction to the same effect, but with an alteration in the opposite chain.
240. With a half-life of 12 years, tritium could build up in the Tamar estuary and eventually enter the human food chain.
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