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Certificate in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+11Posted:2017-04-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: certificationcredentialcredentialssecuritySimilar words: certificate of depositcertificationdesertificationpontificatecertifiednotificationrectificationjustificationMeaning: [sə'tɪfɪkət]  n. 1. a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts 2. a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends. v. 1. present someone with a certificate 2. authorize by certificate. 
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151. His birth certificate, however, casts doubts on the marriage certificate's claim that a Charles Downer was his father.
152. In order to qualify for the award of a certificate, the candidate must complete at least 4 assignments successfully.
153. The last nine months have also seen continuing development in the National Certificate and in our advanced courses provision.
154. On the day Wendy was to go home a woman came to issue a birth certificate for the baby.
155. Three tiers of certificate are offered: Part 1, usually taken after one or two years part-time study.
156. If I were arrested, that would be the end of every-thing the exit visa, the certificate.
157. When it was over, the judges signed a certificate saying that they believed Harrison had indeed told them everything he knew.
158. The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration.
159. Table 2.1 compares National Certificate uptake over the past three sessions.
160. In recent years, the growth of National Certificate uptake has been especially strong in secondary schools.
161. For a new house, a certificate of acceptance by the Electricity Board should be insisted upon.
162. The censorship board originally gave it a certificate allowing it to be seen by over-16s.
163. Newco should be conscious that the vendor's solicitors may seek to limit their exposure by diluting the certificate.
164. If you aren't exempt and need medication regularly, it might be worth buying a pre-payment certificate.
165. In addition, the purchaser may ask the vendor to warrant the certificate of title.
166. Each sub-contractor holding a certificate will subsequently be assessed for tax and pay the Inland Revenue direct.
167. The central problem for the government was the central element in its case - the Thomas Leavy birth certificate.
168. There is no time limit for claims, and accordingly, the certificate of insurance should be kept with the title deeds.
169. If you are, they will send you a certificate, which is valid for six months.
169. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
170. These will be the striking black and apple green ex-LNER express's finals workings before the expiry of her seven-year-long boiler certificate.
171. Within this population there will be a mix of undergraduate, postgraduate degree, diploma and certificate students.
172. Tracing birth parents Having obtained their original birth certificate, adoptees can start tracing their birth parents.
173. Apart from anything else, if there were suspicious circumstances, the doctor wouldn't have signed a certificate.
174. A doctor's certificate will suffice as a form of permission.
175. Now the declaration of her age on the death certificate was out of her control, the truth was listed at last.
176. Perhaps even more fundamentally, it's far from obvious how to obtain the details of a certificate.
177. The official birth certificate shows he was registered as Liam Butler.
178. But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
179. It is planned to run a second certificate level course during weeks commencing 29 March and 26 April.
180. The best course is to apply for the relevant certificate at an early stage.
More similar words: certificate of depositcertificationdesertificationpontificatecertifiednotificationrectificationjustificationidentificationquantificationratificationgratificationstratificationself-gratificationcertifyartificeartificialunificationedificationdeificationmodificationpacificationossificationramificationcodificationpurificationreunificationqualificationspecificationnullification
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