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Hallowed in a sentence

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Sentence count:53+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: sacredSimilar words: hallowshallowcowedavowedborrowedlowerflowerglowerMeaning: ['hæləʊ]  adj. worthy of religious veneration. 
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1. the hallowed turf of Wembley, etc.
2. The bones will be buried in hallowed ground .
3. Can atheists be buried in hallowed ground?
4. Hallowed by thy name!
5. She is a lady who is hallowed in the town.
6. Pop music comes to the hallowed chamber.
7. A mistake in our hallowed tome?
8. For Muslims, Mecca is hallowed ground.
9. Stooping, shamed, he caressed the hallowed ground.
10. His first album was released on the hallowed Blue Note jazz label.
11. But why is it in the hallowed halls of a gallery of twentieth century design?
12. The table he sat before was as hallowed as any altar.
13. And in the hallowed world of television, this change is akin to Charles and Di getting a divorce.
14. Particularist feeling in the duchy of Aosta was hallowed by centuries of tradition and grounded in a firm foundation of local institutions.
15. The bishops expected the hallowed Authorized Version to maintain its mastery because it was sanctified in everyone's affections and moral sentiments.
16. Even now,( visitors crossing the hallowed threshold of the Treasury are met by an individual wearing a name badge.
17. The CHOOpe symbolizes a hallowed area in which the wedding ceremony is performed.
18. As a result, Orcus avoids hallowed ground.
19. Our Father art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name.
20. It's a hallowed medal, and a good one.
21. Those are kind of hallowed places for me.
22. Until men united wield a hallowed sabre.
23. A hallowed or holy place.
24. Now I enter these hallowed halls, a conquerer,(sentence dictionary) yes.
25. She is a lady who hallowed in the town.
26. They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning.
27. Do you mean that only Nobel laureates and their peers can lay claim to the hallowed occupation of research?
28. In retrospect it is clear to me that my arrival at Salomon marked the beginning of the end of that hallowed institution.
29. Indeed, Darwin, an evolutionist to the end, was laid to rest in the hallowed ground of Westminster Abbey.
30. Baxter's hatred for authority did not end at the foot of Ibrox's hallowed stairway.
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