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Carved in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+21Posted:2017-04-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: carvecarvenmarvelstarveharvestparvenuwharvesmarvelousMeaning: [kɑːv]  adj. made for or formed by carving (`carven' is archaic or literary). 
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181. The fingers are the same color as the dice and look like they were carved by his other hand.
182. Some courts have carved out exceptions to governmental immunity, however, and found school boards liable.
183. Near the elevator door was a fake fireplace and an antique mahogany mantelpiece with great bunches of fruit carved on each corner.
184. My grandmother sat down in the carved chair next to the china cabinet.
185. Shapes of naked half-men half-beasts writhing in some hideous dance were carved on to the mahogany chair.
186. Light from the ceiling moved uncertainly over the carved wood Quiss was still staring at.
187. Out past the northern arc of the perimeter highway, comfortable subdivisions have been carved under a leafy canopy.
188. Something like marble gleamed close by the shore, seeming to leap yet not to fall again-a carved statue of a hound!
189. Midnight was squatting down, back against the wall, as still as the carved bear's head hanging above him.
190. Though his features looked as if they'd been carved from stone, in the depths of his gaze something stirred.
191. Hepolled so well last year that he couldn't be carved out of the action again.
192. This I washed down with lager from a great stein as monumentally carved as the Parthenon.
193. At first glance it could be mistaken for an ornately carved stool, its black and white surfaces for a kind of sculpture.
194. But his features were carved from stronger stuff, the mouth wider beneath a nose that was broken though still straight.
195. The pot surface can also be carved, incised and perforated: all three of these techniques involve the removal of clay.
196. Important buildings were constructed in stone and have lofty towers and spires and great richness of sculptural and carved decoration.
197. Compared to the austerity depicted at the start of the tour(, the carved mahogany bed and canopy seem positively indecent.
198. Underground, hidden rivers have carved out an amazing system of caverns, like those of the famous Wookey Hole Caves.
199. All rooms are hung with green or crimson silk damask and the cornices, door-cases and chair-frames are all carved in gilt.
200. The skiing is challenging and even blue runs tend to be carved into moguls.
201. Door theft: Thieves have stolen the carved doors off a remote moorland chapel.
202. Nicole and Bernard, or whatever his name is, getting carved up on the flagstone.
202. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
203. Michelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble.
204. The figure was carved out of a solid block of wood.
205. The figure is carved from a thin slab of Carrara marble.
206. A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention.
207. Why, I even had this staff carved from one such, during my last venture there.
208. Over the years they have carved out a powerful position within the town's antique trade.
209. It was fashioned of sandalwood, beautifully carved, and no larger than was needed to hold a psalter.
210. In other words, Salomon carved a tiny fraction out of each financial transaction.
More similar words: carvecarvenmarvelstarveharvestparvenuwharvesmarvelousmarvellousharvestingayurvedaobservedreservedpreservedcard-carryinglarvastarvingstarvationloveddivedcravedprovedpeevedsolvedrevivedbelovedremovedlive downderivedimproved
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