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Bragging in a sentence

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Sentence count:49+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: naggingflaggingunflaggingbraggartbraggadocioriggingloggingdiggingMeaning: [bræg]  n. an instance of boastful talk. adj. exhibiting self-importance. 
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(1) He's always bragging about his prowess as a cricketer.
(2) She's always bragging about how much money she earns.
(3) Ben's always bragging about his success with women.
(4) He's been bragging about his new car.
(5) He's been bragging about his new computer.
(6) He'll probably go around bragging to his friends.
(7) The chairman never tires of bragging that he and Mr. McCormack are old friends.
(8) I may be bragging about myself though.
(9) Grandparents were happily bragging about their grandkids.
(10) If you done it, it ain't braggingWalt Whitman 
(11) A witness heard him bragging that he was responsible for all three murders.
(12) I wish she'd stop bragging about how rich her parents are.
(13) John's bragging rubbed the other boys the wrong way.
(14) He is fond of bragging.
(15) But heroes do not believe that Archer was bragging.
(16) Bragging in a relationship often is really defensiveness.
(17) I feel you are bragging.
(18) Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me[], in case they become just another notch under my belt.
(19) Neither bragging nor beating yourself makes you a better trader.
(20) Incapable government, big official, Bragging, small fry, Say the some a words.
(21) I know, and she's always bragging about all the famous people she's met.
(22) Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging about their fathers.
(23) We look forward to bragging about you in the years ahead.
(24) Japan lost their battle for runner-up bragging rights to South Korea, who managed 76 golds to their rivals' 48 and cut into Japan's traditional strongholds of judo, wrestling and swimming.
(25) He was bragging as how he could run faster than anybody else.
(26) Perhaps the establishment of the Sydney Opera House clinched its victory for bragging rights.
(27) A place where you can walk the streets, hear the bragging and feel the strut and the swagger.
(28) And within the field, status comes from puffing up racial bragging points.
(29) Some researchers suggest that boys seem to have higher self-esteem because they hide their insecurities behind bragging.
(30) Leakers like Manning can be prosecuted, but because few commit Manning's blunder of bragging about their exploits, they are rarely caught.
More similar words: naggingflaggingunflaggingbraggartbraggadocioriggingloggingdiggingjoggingbeggingmuggingcloggingdebuggingragingencouragingdisparagingencouraginglywaggishcraggyraggedbragscragglystragglebedraggleddrag inumbragemudslingingupbringingclingingringing
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