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Prophylaxis in a sentence

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Sentence count:73Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: trophyatrophyprophetprophesypropheticaxisrelaxingtaxi standMeaning: [‚prɑfɪlæksɪs /‚prɒ-]  n. the prevention of disease. 
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1. All three patients received prophylaxis with subcutaneous heparin and compression stockings.
2. It is therefore recommended that for optimal prophylaxis, a further treatment be given at 4-6 weeks post-lambing.
3. Importantly, prophylaxis against stress ulcers with H 2 antagonists and antacids has been implicated in abnormal bacterial overgrowth in the stomach.
4. Propranolol, which is used so commonly in migraine prophylaxis, is not beneficial in most cluster headache patients.
5. Antibiotic prophylaxis is imperative for immunosuppressed patients or for those with valvular heart disease or prosthetic graft material.
6. Prophylaxis of hepatitis A virus infection.
7. Update on Postexposure Prophylaxis After Sexual HIV Risk.
8. Nifedipine can prophylaxis noise induced hearing loss partly.
9. Objective To study on the efficacy of Octreotide prophylaxis of post ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) and hyperamylasemia.
10. Objective: To investigate the cause, pathogenesis, prophylaxis and therapy for corneal fungal ulcers following excimer laser photorefrative keratectomy (PRK).
11. Objective:To investigate and compare the prophylaxis effect of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae and pravastatin on steroid induced Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head(SANFH).
12. Drug prophylaxis is sometimes recommended even for those who have started HAART if they have very weak immune systems or are otherwise considered to be especially vulnerable.
13. Conclusion The prophylaxis and treatment will be more scientific, effective, and directive if the origination and development rules of severe oral mucositis are known.
14. For prophylaxis and early diagnosis[], very close observation of the clinical symptoms and laboratory tests such antithrombin and serum amylase are necessary during or after the treatment with L - ASP.
15. Long-term bacterial susceptibility to co-trimoxazole is important to monitor in any area where co-trimoxazole prophylaxis could be recommended.
16. Further work must be performed to document the incidence and aetiology of deep venous thrombosis and effective prophylaxis during prolonged therapeutic laparoscopy.
17. This would be the least expensive and most acceptable form of longterm prophylaxis against gall stone recurrence.
18. That was the day I learned that Jasper was not on any prophylaxis against pneumocystis.
19. This agent may be used in the cluster headache patient, as described in the discussion of migraine prophylaxis.
20. Conclusion: The Weinaian capsule have acohol protection effect, can protect stomach membrana mucosa damaged by acohol and, it also have drunk prophylaxis effect.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. Vaccine has other advantages, including long-term protection, and it may be a reasonable alternative to immune globulin for postexposure prophylaxis in many situations.
22. We have published in our previous research regarding the same issue in that lactulose is quite effective for the secondary prophylaxis of HE.
23. AIM:to observe clinically the effectiveness of Corydalis Yanhusuo on the abolition and prophylaxis of migraine.
24. Here , we review Legionaires disease aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptom, pathological change, therapy and prophylaxis etc.
25. In particular, the presence of esophageal varices may contraindicate prophylaxis as it is associated with postoperative hemorrhage.
26. This review highlights on nosetiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of microsporidiosis pu...
27. Pyrazolyl derivatives with analgesic activity and therefore useful in the treatment or prophylaxis of pain.
28. The leading choice for mold - active agents for antifungal prophylaxis was the echinocandins.
29. Abstract: Objective : To evaluate the value of antibiotic prophylaxis in cholecys tectomy.
30. Human chitinase, its recombinant production, its use for decomposing chitin, and its use in therapy or prophylaxis against infection diseases.
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