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Arises in a sentence

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Sentence count:214+8Posted:2017-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: crisesarisearisenphariseepolarisesummariseplagiarisepopularise
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61. In fact, they could prop up the Conservative Government for a fifth term, if the need arises!
62. The power to stop a prosecution arises only when it is an abuse of the process of the court.
63. Team members move from job to job as the need
64. Ex turpi causa means that from a bad cause no action arises.
65. An alternative cosmology is the Hartle / Hawking model, which does not assume a background space-time in which the universe arises.
66. Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble. Samuel Johnson 
67. A particular thorny dilemma arises should the caring situation present demands beyond the level of endurance.
68. This arises from the fact that unemployment or underemployment will reduce the household's income and constrain the demand for goods.
69. Perhaps the most interesting point which arises from McCullough's article is that it needed to be said.
70. The gain from leverage arises because the interest payments on bonds are tax-deductible whereas the dividend payments on shares are not.
71. A problem arises with sample offers if you are not geared up for individual direct mail dispatch.
72. The key issue is straight forward and it arises from a simple fact.
73. The first class of potential problems arises from correlated traffic.
74. Advice on any legal problem which arises in connection with the journey or holiday or with damage to your home.
75. Mr Osborne claims that private hospitals do not have the necessary expertise when the need arises.
76. The problem arises because there is nothing in our day-to-day life to provide us with sufficient exercise.
77. Another limitation on pole field strength arises from the heating effect of the winding currents.
78. Finally,[] the question arises whether this application should have been made to the Court of Appeal.
79. It is also important because it arises out of the death of 167 people in 1988 after the Piper Alpha explosion.
80. Alterations to your flight details sometimes occur for operational reasons and we reserve the right to make these if the need arises.
81. The process by which such behaviour arises is often called kin selection.
82. However, it is important to appreciate that any particular case of regulation seldom arises with just a single aim.
83. The requirement for large body size arises from the fierce battles between males for access to females.
84. This is different from the general position in relation to planning permission where an offence arises only after the enforcement procedure has been invoked.
85. A climate of mistrust arises that, once in place, makes it more likely that the issues become undiscussable.
86. As this isolation ends the possibility arises of a fully global economy.
87. The phoenix builds a nest and bursts into flame and the new bird arises from the ashes.
88. This arises from the fact that no one really dances through life, though doing so once the curtain has risen.
89. The bind arises when the speaker expresses two or more messages which are incompatible, at different levels of communication.
90. Pangenesis is itself presented as a theory of how this identity of powers arises in development.
More similar words: crisesarisearisenphariseepolarisesummariseplagiarisepopulariseregulariseto arise fromfamiliarisenoisesraisespremisespromisescruise shipriserisk assessmentnarisparispriseriserrisengarishparishceriserise upiriseduprisebearish
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