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Arises in a sentence

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Sentence count:214+8Posted:2017-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: crisesarisearisenphariseepolarisesummariseplagiarisepopularise
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31. They are ready to fight if the need arises.
32. The same problem arises where a person is wearing an insulting emblem on his clothing.
33. Teacher Training Courses are held in London and other centres as the need arises.
34. That a case arising under the constitution should be decided without examining the instrument under which it arises?
35. This caution obviously arises from the need to minimize the risk of long-term side-effects caused by seemingly innocent new substances.
36. When you try to get credit for taxes paid by your employee,( one of two problems frequently arises.
37. Regulated fee income arises when a regulated service is provided as a stand alone service.
38. The question then arises: what purpose do Hopi funeral rites serve?
39. It would be best to deal with these issues at once, before a crisis arises.
40. This arises from the fact that the accuracy with which the initial data can be known is always limited.
41. When this question arises, we think of Amanda, the marketing manager besieged by complaining customers and disloyal subordinates.
42. Her powers seem curiously independent of age, and she can call upon extraordinary sources of energy when the need arises.
43. It will take at least three chapters in this book to describe how a voice arises from brain mechanisms.
44. Once the motivation to stop arises, it is not so difficult to kick the habit.
45. Often this arises from the absence of any realistic concept of the practical implications of retirement.
46. The question arises whether some of our married quarters may be sold to housing associations who will give priority to service men.
47. Sometimes a situation like that arises where you have to be more prepared mentally, and I feel I was.
48. The other side of this coin is an impressive surge capability on hand when the need arises.
49. It arises from too much enthusiasm clouding the judgement of those developing the new electronic products.
50. The problem arises mainly in the South, where it is customary for sellers to appoint several agents.
51. The difference is, of course, that feminist criticism arises from the experience of feminism and from taking feminist theories seriously.
52. The question arises as to what extent such arrangements can provide a model for the democratisation of the multidivisional capitalist enterprise. 2.
53. Low achievement at school often arises from poverty and bad social conditions.
54. Playing the game is not in itself drama, though a great deal of dramatic tension arises when it is well played.
55. The electrical problem arises from the finite time it takes a signal to travel across a chip.
56. Although the data largely result from censuses and surveys, an increasing volume of data arises from administrative processes.
57. Largely this arises from the lack of adequate time-series data on resource levels.
58. The question then arises: how high would the tariff have to be to alter the relationship?
59. The choice of ordinate arises from the empirical observation that A2B 1 is required for chaos.
60. It arises from a failure of the machinery that controls cell division.
More similar words: crisesarisearisenphariseepolarisesummariseplagiarisepopulariseregulariseto arise fromfamiliarisenoisesraisespremisespromisescruise shipriserisk assessmentnarisparispriseriserrisengarishparishceriserise upiriseduprisebearish
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