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Applause in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+23Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clappinghand clappingSimilar words: applaudplausibleimplausibleplausibilityclauseapplyappleapply forMeaning: [ə'plɔːz]  n. a demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together. 
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151. The applause seemed forced rather than appreciative.
152. The fans bathed Hrudey in appreciative applause.
153. Oh boy I need a round of applause.
154. His statement was greeted with applause.
155. I stumbled off to polite applause.
156. Maginn's speech was received with applause.
157. George, the twins and Willie broke out into applause.
158. To say the least, applause came haltingly.
159. The keynote speaker had wound up to polite applause.
160. The audience burst into grateful applause.
161. His statement on abortion was greeted by moderate applause.
162. The congregation broke into spontaneous applause.
163. As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience each act was greeted with loud and equal applause.
164. A popular grass-roots councilwoman gives a few words of encouragement to much applause.
165. When the girl sat down, there was another polite sound of applause.
166. Not a Cal Ripken pent-up emotional outburst kind of ovation, mind you, but a nice little round of applause.
167. There was considerable applause from his listeners as he advanced his familiar protectionist argument.
168. Several times from wing to a desk at center stage he glanced out at the audience to acknowledge the applause.
169. The performers were reassured by the balm of warm applause.
170. When Wooley, who is a witty and vigorously persuasive speaker, finished, she received a big round of applause.
171. The audience of 2,( 500 responded to his declaration with sustained and thunderous applause.
172. Powell ignited the delegates crammed into the San Diego Convention Center with a fast-paced speech that was interrupted 42 times by applause.
173. Immediately they all burst out into shouts of applause and praise.
174. The conductor waited for the applause to die down before signalling for the orchestra to begin.
175. At the end there was polite applause from perhaps half the women.
176. There was a warm round of applause for him and much head-nodding by old women of both sexes.
177. Moreover[], the Left has tended to turn away from applause for insurrection - at least in so far as prospects for change in Britain are concerned.
178. This was not a collection that sparked shouts, cheers or even an occasional burst of polite applause.
179. The part of the job he liked best was standing up at grand civic functions and bathing in the applause.
180. She received warm applause, and during the interval respectable queues formed before her table of books, as before N'dosi's.
More similar words: applaudplausibleimplausibleplausibilityclauseapplyappleapply forgrappleapply tosupplantplauditplauditsapplicantclaustrophobiaclaustrophobicapplianceto apply topineappleapplicableapplicablyapplicationinapplicablean apple of discordlaudsupplysupplelaughcausepause
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