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Aflame in a sentence

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Sentence count:48+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: flameinflameinflamedadd fuel to the flamesin a flasha flash in the panflamlameMeaning: [ə'fleɪm]  adj. 1. keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement 2. lighted up by or as by fire or flame. 
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1. The whole building was soon aflame.
2. The whole village was aflame.
3. Aflame with desire, he took her in his arms.
4. Her heart is aflame with love for him.
5. Her cheeks were aflame with embarrassment/anger.
6. Somebody set the warehouse aflame.
7. The boy was all aflame with curiosity.
8. The autumn woods were aflame with colour.
9. The girl's face was aflame with embarrassment.
10. Most of the city was aflame.
11. The woods were aflame with autumn colours.
12. Her cheeks were aflame.
13. It was autumn and the trees were aflame with colour.
14. The curtains are aflame!
15. The sky was aflame and though she tried not to think of the sunsets from Fernando's cliff-top it was virtually impossible.
16. It tells of homes set aflame(, planes dropping turpentine bombs and the wanton shooting of unarmed black men on the street.
17. Faces aflame with drink, grotesque moustaches, pot bellies ... I seemed to have stumbled into a painting by Hogarth.
18. The sky was aflame with the aurora borealis, the eerily luminous northern lights.
19. Rioters set Chittagong aflame and an effective general strike paralyzed the whole country.
20. Most of the city was aflame, and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs.
21. Autumn woods aflame with color.
22. The maple leaves are aflame with brilliant autumnal sunshine.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. I was aflame with curiosity.
24. The building was all aflame.
25. Illegal weapons are set aflame in Nairobi, Kenya.
26. He was aflame about the new project.
27. Georges said nothing, but he was all aflame.
28. The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow.
29. Outside the store, the rolling hills of New Hampshire were aflame in scarlet, yellow, orange and gold.
30. At that time the excitement of our explorations into this unseen world had set my mind aflame with pleasure.
More similar words: flameinflameinflamedadd fuel to the flamesin a flasha flash in the panflamlameflamingblameflamingoblamedlamentlamelyflammablelame duckflamboyantfilamentlamentedlamenessflamboyancenonflammableinflammablelamentingblamelessinflammatoryinflammationlamentablylamentabletake the blame
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