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World war in a sentence

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Sentence count:238+21 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: worldwidecold warworldin the worldall over the worldhold waterhardwarehold withMeaning: n. a war in which the major nations of the world are involved. 
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1. The second world war kindled his enthusiasm for politics.
2. He published his memoirs on the Second World War.
3. World War II ended in 1945.
4. The Second World War ended, of course, in 1945.
5. He foresaw the world war.
6. After the First World War Germany conceded a lot of land to her neighbours.
7. After the Second World War the franchise was extended to all adults over eighteen.
8. People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.
9. The causes of the First World War.
10. The First World War slaughtered a whole generation.
11. The custom began during the Second World War.
12. World War II broke out in 1939.
13. The Second World War burst out finally.
14. Florida's population exploded after World War II.
15. The Second World War broke out in September 1939.
16. The custom began during the First World War.
17. Europe was carved up after World War I.
18. He served with distinction in the First World War.
19. He was maimed in a First World War battle.
20. My grandfather fought in the Second World War .
21. Churchill was prime minister during the Second World War.
22. Millions of people were immolated in World War I.
23. He died in World War 1/the Vietnam war.
24. The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the second world war.
25. The ceremony was attended by many of the surviving veterans of World War II.
26. They endured five years of privation during the second world war.
27. How did you manage to come through the Second World War without even a scratch?
28. Britain, France[],( the United States and Japan all aspired to hegemony after the end of World War I.
29. My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.
30. They chronicled all the remarkable happenings of the Second World War.
More similar words: worldwidecold warworldin the worldall over the worldhold waterhardwarehold withheadwaybandwagonmake headwayforlornfor lifefor longgroundwaterfor lack ofodorlesscolorlessmore or lesssooner or laterwordworkwarworseswordat workworksworthworrywords
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