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Vinegar in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+4Posted:2017-05-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: acetumSimilar words: vinegarynegaterenegadenegativenegationabnegateabnegationnegativelyMeaning: ['vɪnɪgə(r)]  n. 1. sour-tasting liquid produced usually by oxidation of the alcohol in wine or cider and used as a condiment or food preservative 2. dilute acetic acid. 
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211. She also had a vinegar cruet that sat high on a shelf that was beautiful, in my eyes; I asked if I could have it someday.
212. Taking fresh bambusa oldhami as main materials, we developed savory and tasty sugar - vinegar of flexible package.
213. Combine the tomatoes, chiles, cilantro, vinegar, lime juice and olive oil in a bowl.
214. There wasn't a crisis on earth, it seemed, that couldn't be averted with some combination of baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice, salt, and a certain dishwashing liquid.
215. The differences of density, odor and color for wood vinegar collected at different smoke temperature were very little.
216. One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar.
217. Reduce the balsamic vinegar and veal gravy by half separately . Mix well and add rosemary.
218. Polybenzimidazoles cooking in printing ink is methyl ethyl ketone, agitate little vinegar, and so on.
219. It's made principally from parsley, tarragon and vinegar , beaten with egg yolk.
220. Wood vinegar, or pyroligneous acid, is the fluid or sap derived from tree cells, which exhibits exceptional permeability and sterilizing properties.
221. Several vinegar carrot will increase the appetite and relieve the car sickness and seasickness.
222. But will right amount feed vinegar to heat, dip in with dishcloth next of a bit heat feed vinegar to swab, smeary meet very easily " desert " .
223. Can rock candy of mature vinegar bubble fall blood pressure?
224. Methods The animal model of Spleen Deficiency induced by vinegar was established, and on the basis of which, nitrosamine was continuously administered 120d.
225. When serving , tomato paste, balsamic vinegar attached on the Sheng small dishes.
226. Preparation works: Cabbage patch two, celery vinegar of 3 root, rice are half spoon, saccharic a few, salt a few.
227. They are preserved in vinegar , and bottled for exportation.
228. Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer, French, Thousand Island or Oil and Vinegar?
229. Based on the traditional brewing processing, the brewing technique of Sichuan sun vinegar was improved through the addition of crude enzyme(, active dry yeast and Acetobacter sp.
230. This bottle of vinegar is very sour. I cannot bear its sourness.
231. The basic seasonings include: red pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger, sesame, mustard, vinegar and so on.
232. Harry: I'll have a number 3. Sally: I'd like the chef's salad, please, with the oil and vinegar on the side, and the apple pie....
233. One was filled with petrol, one castor oil and one with vinegar.
234. One was filled with petrol, one with castor oil and one with vinegar.
235. The main products include industrial fabrics, and filter cloth monofilament, non - woven, glass fiber cloth , vinegar - net, stainless steel net, bag filter, dust bags, and so on.
236. Mr. Vinegar took the bagpipes and the piper led the cow away.
237. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Head lettuce and oil and vinegar.
238. As quenching liquid, stir frying with vinegar is better than brine under the experiment condition.
238. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
239. Use this kind of way, we can nowise the fee separates the oil and the vinegar to the utmost.
240. Apple cider vinegar is a terrific ingredient in foods, sauces , and dressings. It isn't medicine.
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