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Vietnam in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+9Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vietnam warSovietsoviet unionsweetnessvieviewmoviedietMeaning: n. 1. a communist state in Indochina on the South China Sea; achieved independence from France in 1945 2. a prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States. 
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(91) Military - on - military violence was common during the Vietnam War, but has occurred only sporadically in Iraq.
(92) After South Vietnam planes accidentally drop a bomb on a town.
(93) The tiny 'demon, ' named Beelzebub's tube-nosed bat, has been seen only in Vietnam.
(94) It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam.
(95) Maya Lin, who designed the national Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall), was among the honorees, February 25, at the White House National Medal of Arts ceremonies.
(96) While the Prada brand is 98 percent made in Italy, about half of Miu Miu handbags are made in Turkey and Romania, and 70 percent of the sporty Linea Rossa shoes are produced in Vietnam.
(97) Distribution: Tai Mo Shan, Ng Tung Chai. Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong,( Guangxi. Vietnam.
(98) We thought we had found a way to blunt the obsession with Vietnam.
(99) Memories of how Vietnam spiked Lyndon Johnson's dreams of a Great Society haunt party elders.
(100) Generations of Joneses have served heroically on the battlefield, from the beaches of Tarawa in World War II, to Foxtrot Ridge in Vietnam.
(101) The first person I mentioned was Richard Dean, a forty-nine-year-old Vietnam veteran who had worked for the Social Security Administration for twenty-two years.
(102) He told delegates about McCain's near-death experience when his plane was hit by a missile and of the Arizona senator's days as prisoner of war in Vietnam.
(103) Dr. Esselstyn is also an Olympic gold medalist in rowing, and he was awarded the Bronze Star as an army surgeon in Vietnam.
(104) Despite the locals' nickname referencing the Great Wall of China, the Vietnam Wall is more like Hadrian's Wall -- a Roman-era wall on the border of England and Scotland.
(105) In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.
(106) Maiha is my foreign friend, from Vietnam. All my Vietnam friends are very amicability , care for friends actively, and have some very useful suggestion, one in a thousand.
(107) Vietnam also has reported recent cases of blue ear decease ( disease ).
(108) Ho Chi Minh wanted a united, independent, free and Communist Vietnam.
(109) He fought in a major battle in 1965 in Vietnam at Ia Drang, a Communist stronghold and a major supply route.
(110) We went to Vietnam with nothing to offer, with no bargaining chip except our goodwill.
(110) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(111) Considering classification of Bivalvia fauna of Vietnam coast, the fauna should belong to the Indo-Malayan subregion under the Indo-west Pacific region.
(112) Roy Grizzard, assistant secretary of labor, has held recent seminars in EU countries and Vietnam on architectural solutions.
(113) He is a former secretary of the navy, a Vietnam War hero, and a best-selling author, though I haven't read any of his books.
(114) The chilling response wasn't entirely surprising—the Laotian government remains bitter over the role Vang Pao played in the Vietnam War.
(115) Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam is not only the political and cultural center but also the economic center of the country.
(116) The picture shows a wild binturong or bearcat tied up and kept at a pagoda in Kandal Province, Vietnam.
(117) Vietnam recently ordered six Kilo-classdiesel submarines from Russia as part of a major arms purchase that analysts seeas an attempt to counterbalance China's growing naval reach.
(118) In Washington, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles foreshadows America's long and costly involvement in Vietnam during the next two decades.
(119) Did Rambo volunteer to fight in Vietnam, or was he a conscript, drafted against his will?
(120) ASEAN members are Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
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