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Vaguely in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+14Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: mistilySimilar words: vagueplagueleaguebeleaguercolleagueuniquelyobliquelybrusquelyMeaning: adv. in a vague way. 
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121. He wondered vaguely if he had strength to steam off stamps at this late point in his life.
122. Well, I didn't want to take it, because I was vaguely thinking of my amateur status.
123. Thus, when awards time arrives, the old inferiority complexes become a factor and decisions often go in vaguely highfalutin directions.
124. Mr Lewis introduced me to Rufus Monk, who vaguely helped with the headgear and gloves.
125. Vaguely she remembered a conversation she and Susan had had on Christmas Eve.
126. They made an odd pair, she bony and remote, he heavy, grubby and vaguely disreputable.
127. You must come to Berlin, something better will happen here, they promised vaguely.
128. It was only in 1977 that I became even vaguely aware of gay liberation.
129. So the Nash Ensemble's concert offered a first half of Mozart and Brahms which left one feeling vaguely unsatisfied.
130. It is easily visible with the naked eye, and binoculars give it a vaguely cruciform appearance.
131. Vaguely anthropomorphic, although distorted and blurred, they reminded me of some cross between man and beast.
132. He vaguely remembered meeting her in a club the night of the concert.
133. My memory was vaguely stirred when I saw the authors' name.
134. As Jinny milked on, her thoughts floated vaguely, in the way that was one of the pleasures of the job.
135. Not yet a terrible mess, but a vaguely irritating, vaguely disquieting, formless mess.
136. I don't know what his diagnosis was but I don't think either of them even vaguely suspected alcohol.
137. We have to be vaguely provident, but no real sacrifices are demanded.
138. The humour was devastatingly fresh and Vic and his sidekick Bob saw life from a sort of vaguely diagonal point of view.
139. I think a lot of people feel vaguely when they see two duffers marrying that the duffers must prefer it that way.
140. The answers range from the technical to the vaguely conspiratorial.
141. She was right on the other side of the shower door(, her plump form vaguely defined through the milky glass.
142. She seems vaguely familiar ,but I can't quite remember where I know her from.
143. What was between them was, I vaguely recall, a children's classic drama serial, i.e. Charles Dickens dramatisations etc.
144. Her face was vaguely familiar, and Floyd suddenly became aware that the Administrator was looking at him with a quizzical smile.
145. Without actually wrecking the trilogy, Foundation's Edge is vaguely anticlimactic. 010: Odyssey Two is more colourful.
146. Quinn could vaguely hear raised voices, principal among them being that of Zack.
147. He was in an aisle seat beside two tough-looking men with vaguely familiar faces.
148. Such resistance categories are arbitrary and vaguely delineted.
149. a vaguely worded statement.
150. Arnold felt vaguely embarrassed.
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