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Unauthorized in a sentence

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Sentence count:156+3Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: authorizeauthorizationauthorityauthoritiesauthoritativeauthoritarianauthorhorizonMeaning: adj. 1. not endowed with authority 2. without official authorization. 
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121) The risk of an unauthorized user discovering a valid user's password increases with the age of the password since it was most recently changed.
122) Riddell was jailed Tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law. Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.
123) The attacker's hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands or accessing unauthorized data.
124) Private or confidential documents stored in the Web site's document tree may fall into the hands of unauthorized individuals.
125) Under IDMS, the access to system products is controled by means of a data dictionary, and data access is controled by subscheme(sentence dictionary), so as to protect IDMS data base accessed from unauthorized users.
126) It is possible for unauthorized users to obtain the unique information that is used for digital signatures and attempt to impersonate a sender.
127) An unauthorized user or unauthorized program, generally considered to have malicious intent, on a computer or computer network.
128) If an unauthorized user is allowed to gain physical access to the server, there is a potential for him to obtain secured data or to do severe damage to the server.
129) A tamper resistant calibration plug seal provides protection from unauthorized personnel use.
130) Third, the transaction authentication, identification, that is, unauthorized use of online banking users to the possibility.
131) Because the SS7 network is critical to the health of the public telephone network, the device must provide security to block unauthorized messages from getting on the SS7 network.
132) If you continue to use an unauthorized Memory Unit after the update, you will not be able to access your stored profile or saved games.
133) You dialed an invalid or unauthorized number. Please check the number and dial again.
134) Even fairly smart and well-read people get turned around horribly by questions like, "Would you like to prevent the system from rejecting unauthorized connections?"
135) "The unauthorized use of the image of Carla Bruni caused her moral and economic damage(," a court in the island capital Saint Denis de la Reunion said on Thursday.
136) Unauthorized use or reproduction of materials contained in this page is strictly prohibited.
137) Once an unauthorized user is identified, Apple could wipe the device and remotely store the user's "sensitive data.
138) The three were charged with gaining unauthorized access to computers, computer fraud and conspiracy to fraud.
139) There are several unauthorized Hubbard biographies—most notably, Russell Miller's "Bare-Faced Messiah, " Jon Atack's "A Piece of Blue Sky, " and Bent Corydon's "L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?"
140) The standard safety lockout mechanism helps prevent accidental or unauthorized use.
141) Were you an accomplice to Mr. Ma's crime of unauthorized practice of law?
142) Prevent unauthorized access to your computer by using a security access program.
143) Access Can an unauthorized user successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use?
144) Lake: The version of the painter, print - making unauthorized use of the natural human language performance.
145) These two walkie - talkies are not approved by the code, and unauthorized use the frequency.
146) A sector consisting of a header but no data, used in large numbers on a disk to cause an unauthorized copying program to fail to copy the disk.
147) Experiments show that this technology can prevent efficiently unauthorized user from sending useless information that wastes system resources greatly.
148) Are the doors and doorframes adequate to prevent unauthorized entry?
149) Commercial banks make few loans to minors and unauthorized persons.
150) Foreign-born kids and teenagers with unauthorized status are not considered unlawfully present until they turn 18.
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