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Urbanized in a sentence

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Sentence count:36Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: urbanizationorganizeddisorganizedurbanurbaneturbansuburbanurban renewalMeaning: ['ɜrbənaɪz /'ɜːb-]  adj. made urban in nature; taking on urban characteristics. 
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1. The UK is a highly urbanized country.
2. We must start from where we are, as urbanized humanity.
3. The more centralized, urbanized and mechanized a society becomes, the less control we have and the more violence is bred.
4. An urbanized, unflamboyant son of a cattle farmer, he oozes Midwesternness.
5. The high overall density reflects the urbanized nature of the population.
6. Urbanized industry was limited primarily to the Northeast.
7. The area was urbanized after many people moved in.
8. An increasingly urbanized population are allured by the rustic styles of the past.
9. Everything appears to tell us that an urbanized commercial age has already come.
10. To an infantryman, military operations in urbanized terrain (MOUT) involves some form. of breaking down a door and spraying a room with machine guns.
11. Our country is being in urbanized the acceleration period, the environment question which the city faces is day by day prominent, the city natural ecology already received the enormous destruction.
12. Birds are being urbanized by people in outdoor cafes feeding them.
13. Newtown construction is a key way for the urbanized advancement in Shanghai.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. The density of developed areas in the mature urbanized district is also calculated.
15. Vegetation is red, urbanized areas are blue-gray, water is navy, and clouds are white.
16. In the highway construction, urbanized construction machinery definitely is advance.
17. During the 19th century, Britain became the world's first modern urbanized society.
18. All the nice areas in Florida are becoming more and more urbanized.
19. For the most part, it is a unique and leafy sanctuary in the midst of a crowded, increasingly urbanized peninsula.
20. During the nineteenth century Britain became the world's first modern urbanized society.
21. It is a rich heritage gradually disappearing as Aborigines become urbanized, Europeanized and victimized.
22. I think the success of ballot measures to restrict hunting reflects the fact that our society is increasingly urbanized.
23. Designers Charlotte Dieckmann and Nils Ferber have tackled a topic dear to our hearts– the problem of providing healthy food to an increasingly urbanized society.
24. As a result of society's development, population gathering[], forms urbanized the pattern.
25. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is becoming more and more prevalent in our increasingly congested and urbanized society.
26. The result is that there is a long-term co-integration between the annual per capita consumption expenditure of rural households and urbanized rate.
27. In the late Victorian Era, the Great Britain had developed into an urbanized country.
28. Abstract: Newtown construction is a key way for the urbanized advancement in Shanghai.
29. Under these conditions, ethnic family patterns were slowly broken down by an increasingly urbanized, industrialized environment.
30. Although the ACPP has been attached a importance since China's reform and open, the urbanized development strategy still continued which leaded to a widening gap between city and country.
More similar words: urbanizationorganizeddisorganizedurbanurbaneturbansuburbanurban renewaldisturbanceurban sprawlhomogenizedsynchronizedorganizegalvanizedehumanizemasturbateperturbationconurbationimperturbablesubsidizedionizesocializedagonizedenizendemoralizedneutralizedbanishcolonizedesensitizedpatronize
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