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Tube in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+12Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: hosepipereedSimilar words: tunebecuecutehugerubrulesueMeaning: [tuːb /tju-]  n. 1. conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases 2. electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope 3. a hollow cylindrical shape 4. (anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure 5. an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city). v. 1. provide with a tube or insert a tube into 2. convey in a tube 3. ride or float on an inflated tube 4. place or enclose in a tube. 
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121. June unwrapped the flimsy tissue paper from one of the almond biscuits and rolled it carefully into a tube.
122. There were two wounds, one abdominal and one perineal with a tube drain in place draining into a bag.
123. The Prime Minister's gut instinct is to secure a private sector future for the Tube.
124. So a single fluorescent tube will be adequate, and if you have used floating plants, so much the better.
125. Transfer them to a small tube or box containing a few leaves from the same plant and take them home.
126. The tube was concealed behind a chest of drawers and connected to a box.
127. An astronomical check on timekeeping was made by a sighting tube pointed to a selected star.
128. Short-term measurements were carried out in the drivers' breathing zones by drawing polluted air through a charcoal tube during unloading.
129. Table 3 compares the effect of various switching cycles on the life of a typical fluorescent tube.
130. He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation. Activated charcoal with sorbitol was administered by nasogastric tube.
131. This can be expressed as the frictional coefficient for the chain, again within the tube confines.
132. The combined adenoidectomy and ventilation tube groups had the shortest duration of glue ear.
133. The remaining pair of pads, mounted at the bottom of the tube, are used as fire buttons.
134. The cost of a tube is small compared with the cost of energy consumption over the lifetime of the tube.
135. Their television deal is in flux, and only two home games are scheduled to appear on the tube.
136. A 200-gram tube of Colgate, the family size that is popular in cities, costs roughly that much.
137. Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight.
138. Potassium hydroxide is injected into the tube to remove carbon dioxide.
139. The mouth at the other end is surrounded by tube feet that have become enlarged into short tentacles.
140. It was then that she reflected how complicated a process it was[], this travelling by tube.
141. The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,000 world wide.
142. They've been I putting the money into the tube and forgetting the dockets.
143. It contains a fluorescent tube and can be set at different angles and at varying distances from the working surface.
144. She reinserted the bird in its tube and laid it carefully in the drawer.
145. Her feeding tube delivers formula 20 hours a day and must be kept clean to prevent infection.
146. The outer part of the funnel serves to catch the sound-vibration while the tube carries it directly to the eardrum.
147. Turn batter into a well-buttered and lightly floured 9-inch tube pan.
148. That is the feeding tube being removed and him being allowed to die with dignity.
149. About 3 weeks later sift the flour in each tube again.
150. Briefly, a vertical tube turned a blank glass eye on him and Ezra and the glass eye contemplated each other.
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