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Tipped in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+24Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: whippedequippedworshippedwhipped creamzippertappedcappedsteppedMeaning: [tɪpt]  adj. 1. having a tip; or having a tip as specified (used in combination) 2. departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal. 
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151. She tipped her head towards the right-hand passage and lifted an interrogative eyebrow.
152. She allegedly tipped her son, who passed the information on to his business associates, Paul Tsang and Robert Guerin.
153. Omnipresence was only one of several attributes that tipped him over into the realm of the superhuman.
154. Yesterday, the police denied that drug dealers were tipped off before the operation.
155. The baby was sleeping in a bassinet the boys allegedly tipped over.
156. The landing should have been straight forward but the aircraft ran into boggy ground, stopped suddenly and tipped over.
157. The yen and the pound are also tipped to gain against the dollar, but to fall against the euro.
158. Then waited, shivering, as the rain tipped off the brim of his top hat and spattered on the ground.
159. The thought or feeling tipped the balance, made the difference.
160. The Interior Ministry has been tipped off about companies issuing fake visas.
161. She tipped the basket towards the girls and smiled a wide,[] warm smile at the two men.
162. Leaburn rose above the blue shirts but his header was tipped over by Leicester keeper Carl Muggleton.
163. I tipped forward so that I rested on both buttocks and heels, my head between my knees.
164. As wheat cultivation developed and different strains of wheat became avail-able, the balance tipped away from rye.
165. It really shocked me that an average meal cost $ 1. 50 and that waiters expected to be tipped.
166. Yet she was not one of the women tipped to reach the finals here.
167. He leant over the church wall and Uncle Walter's helmet tipped forward.
168. I had a glass of ice water and I tipped the glass to give it to them.
169. As Westminster aide to the party leader, Mr Durkan has long been tipped for higher offices.
170. During the final days of his reign as chief executive John Hackney was tipped off that his boardroom was bugged.
171. All the contents of my locker had been tipped into a blanket.
172. Although Lukashenko is tipped to win by the pollsters, already 25 other candidates have said they will stand for the presidency.
173. Some one should have tipped these people off before they opted for the independent life.
174. Swanepoel, the pilot whom I had met when I first arrived in the country, tipped me off to that one.
175. She was short and chunky with stubby fingers tipped by closely clipped nails.
176. He went on to experiment with how far a branch could be extended in any one direction before the tree tipped over.
177. His soup bowl snaked from his tray, tipped, tilted, the liquid ran steaming to the bowl in front of Byrkin.
178. Tall and stately, fairly bursting from her corset, she sometimes tipped the scales at over 200 pounds.
179. Voice over Mrs De Winter is already tipped as being one of the best sellers this year.
180. Pink clouds with white tipped edges were gliding across the sky.
More similar words: whippedequippedworshippedwhipped creamzippertappedcappedsteppedsnow-cappedtiptip-toprippledippingrippingstipendflippantmultiplymultipleequippingantipathyyom kippurstipulatemultipartymultipliedantipersonnelconstipationupperpeppercopperpedant
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