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Tidal in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+5Posted:2017-04-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bridalhidalgotidytidefetiduntidybetidedalMeaning: ['taɪdl]  adj. of or relating to or caused by tides. 
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91) There has been a tidal wave of unemployment in the region.
92) You must be reasonably fit and be sure you can handle the prevailing wind, weather and tidal conditions.
93) Tidal ranges are rarely large enough to provide an attractive source of power.
94) Sea salt crystallizes from tidal pools when the water evaporates.
95) It therefore represents a tidal flow, without any overall increase.
96) Prorate the height of the tidal waves.
97) Tidal Waves will now also proc with Riptide.
98) At Barnes the river is muddy, dingy and tidal.
99) There are numerous deep tidal channels herefanning out landward.
100) a tidal wave of crime.
101) It is the world's largest tidal mangrove forest.
102) The serious non-point source pollution and cross-pollution in plain tidal river networks presented problems of environmental pollution and environmental safety.
103) By summing up work experience,[] this paper discusses several problems that should be considered in tidal zone engineering design.
104) Have a tidal wave come up and submerged every living thing.
105) Introduces briefly the current situation of the research on the numerical simulation of water environmental capacity in tidal river and analyzes the main problems to be overcome.
106) The middle-level of tidal flat is presented as a zone of reworking, which is dominated by silt flats, or tidal channel systems, silt sediments and ripple bedding respectively.
107) The authors consider that the development of the deltas is related to tidal range, wave conditions, Sediment amount flowing into the bays, bsy volume and unenclosure of sea waters off their gorse.
108) The stainless steels exposed to tidal zone were attacked by pitting and crevice corrosion.
109) A method of using the tidal stream information is presented in this paper.
110) The paper has studied the characteristic and reason for flood in cities in tidal river area, and then has summed up the assignments faced with and existent problems in the area.
111) The theory of tidal friction is the concern of dynamic oceanography.
112) Haitan Strait is a south-north and long restricted channel strait, tidal wave in the strait belongs to progressive wave.
113) The formation of sand waves is controlled mainly by underset of tidal current, and also related to tectonic uplift.
114) The results show that the water quality at upstream and downstream in tidal river influences each other and the COD capacity of water environment is closely related to the fluctuation of tide.
115) Based on experiment analysis of hydraulic properties of tidal bore about bore height, propagation velocity and tidal current velocity, the relative tidal bore height exceeds 0.
116) Corrosion resistances of nickel alloys in tidal zone are better than in fully immersion zone.
117) Though often co-mingled, wave power is distinct from the diurnal flux of tidal power and the steady gyre of ocean currents.
118) Other cyclic variations in the relationships between Sun, Moon and Earth also affect tidal range.
119) The tidal forces of the galactic core are still too strong.
120) Tidal breathing measurements include analysis of tidal expiratory flow and of thoracoabdominal motion.
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