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Three-dimensional in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+1Posted:2017-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dimensionalmultidimensionaldimensiondimensionserythrocyte sedimentation ratesedimentpedimentimpedimentMeaning: adj. 1. involving or relating to three dimensions or aspects; giving the illusion of depth 2. having three dimensions. 
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151. Monopulse radar three-dimensional(3-D) images coincide with targets' size, but ISAR imaging does not hold, which is important in precision guidance.
152. In order to research the buckling process of three-dimensional trusses, the eigenvalue buckling analysis and non-linear flection analysis are carried out.
153. A kind of Boolean operational method based on a three-dimensional grid model was proposed.
154. Established three-dimensional solid model of ball end mill , and which is imported into ANSYS software, a static analysis and modal analysis are finished with the ball end mill.
155. The seismic analysis is carried out by step-by-step method in the time domain with inputting the three-dimensional earthquake ground motion for a K8 type cable-supported lattice shell.
156. The axonometric projection has been applied extensively in engineering because of its three-dimensional effect and better measurement and because of its drawing unsophisticatedly.
157. With too many sites competing for attention, those with the best three-dimensional graphics should stand out.
158. A new algorithm based on the three-dimensional data table was developed, which was used to correct the output offset and sensitivity coefficient drift of CH4 sensor.
159. Their stromal counterparts may differentiate and migrate from this space to reside on the abluminal side of marrow sinusoids and form a three-dimensional network that invests the capillary bed.
160. Three-dimensional finite element models for an intact femur and femora implanted with two different prostheses were constructed from the same experimental models used.
161. This paper put forward the recurrence formula for radial average values of three-dimensional line potential central field.
162. In CAE of welded structures, the effective computing and accurate modeling of numerical simulation are as the main problems in three-dimensional analysis.
163. Three-dimensional printing is either synonymous with or a subcategory of additive manufacturing,( depending on whom you ask.
164. The virtual model library which is based on three-dimensional CAD can overcome these disadvantages completely, and holds a consequence in the innovation of modern teaching.
165. Applying three-dimensional seismic data and seismic explanation, on the basis of drilling data, we analyze and describe the structural feature and fracture feature.
166. Among the superficial facial muscles there were not only fasciae but also aponeuroses. The muscles, fasciae and aponeuroses composed a three-dimensional reticular structure.
167. In this paper, a three-dimensional measuring system for surface asperities is described, in which a microcomputer is interfaced to a stylus profilometer.
168. Objective To discuss the surgical management of total auricular reconstruction utilizing a three-dimensional autologous costal cartilage framework for lobule-type microtia.
169. Three-dimensional isothermal material flows in the metering section of injection molder with different screw heads during injection molding are simulated through POLYFLOW software.
170. One Doppler radar can only measure speed of rain and cloud, but we need three-dimensional wind-vector fields from the echo of wind in application.
171. Moreover, a three-dimensional flow field of the retarded adhesive mortar in a single-screw extruder is obtained after supposition, simplification and carrying on the boundary treatment.
172. Supervisory on auto assembling production is realized by configuration of three-dimensional figure frame, dynamic display and connections of relative variables.
173. The technology of 3D laser scanning is a better solution. Application and principle of the three-dimensional laser scanning machine were introduced.
174. Conclusion The variations of palate growth can be investigated by three-dimensional image analysis.
175. Schwartz. " Primate Motor Cortex and Free Arm Movements to Visual Targets in three-dimensional space. "
176. In this paper, the Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of GTS method is adopted to dynamic analysis about the stability of construction when the tunnel is over the faultage .
177. In this paper, The nonlinear resonant evolution of a two-dimensional fundamental wave and a pair of three-dimensional oblique subharmonic waves in a laminar boundary layer has been studied.
178. It can be repeated at different depths of focus to build up a three-dimensional picture.
179. This is Lixin to build things: not really a three-dimensional space constraints online store.
180. The molding method of complex cutting tools in three-dimensional space is discussed.
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