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Thermal in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+4Posted:2017-01-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: caloricthermicSimilar words: geothermalformalnormallyformallyinformalsupermanGermangermanyMeaning: ['θɜrml /'θɜːml]  n. rising current of warm air. adj. 1. relating to or associated with heat 2. of or relating to a hot spring 3. caused by or designed to retain heat. 
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61, Thermal expansion of a liquid without change of phase can then be regarded as an increase in free volume.
62, Convection occurs when too much heat is present at depth to be conveyed upwards solely by thermal conduction.
63, Thermal stations burning coal, oil or nuclear fuel work 24 hours a day and their output is less easy to adjust.
64, Six mineral zones have been delineated in the thermal aureole formed by the post-tectonic Strath Ossian Igneous Complex.
65, On the upside, the move to concentrate thermal production in Pennsylvania helped margins through increased productivity.
66, It could make or break with vibration or thermal expansion as the machine warmed up.
67, Table 4.11 showed the conclusions that were reached about the thermal mass of various constructional options for the hypothetical room.
68, The largest island in the Bay of Naples it boasts a bustling port, thermal spas and sandy beaches.
69, The rate of thermal escape depends on the temperature of the exosphere and on the gravitational field.
70, Some of the illustrations of shattered pebbles attributed to thermal expansion and contraction are of flint and quartzites.
71, Any discussion of space heating should also consider the thermal mass of the house.
72, This kind of propulsion system is called a solar thermal rocket.
73, The most obvious differences are the lower density and thermal conductivity of plastics compared with glass.
74, Control and measurement of heating systems; Mathematical modelling of building thermal performance.
75, By far the largest number of configurations correspond to emission with a spectrum that is nearly thermal.
75, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
76, Layering is vital so good thermal vests and long johns are a must.
77, Wattset al. 1982 have shown that lateral heat flow results in anomalies in the normal thermal subsidence profile following crustal stretching.
78, Jezrael dropped where she stood, on the cold wet soil above a thermal.
79, Grants may also be available for thermal insulation, or repairs to properties in clearance areas.
80, This nuclear thermal rocket can perform as well as a hydrogen-oxygen chemical rocket if the exhaust temperature is the same.
81, Consequently, more thermal energy is required before the crystal becomes unstable, and T m is raised.
82, The ability to operate at these temperatures is advantageous, because liquid nitrogen is cheap and the devices need less thermal insulation.
83, This assumption omits any effects from both solar gains and thermal mass.
84, It's time to get your thermal vest on, never mind skates.
85, The pollution is worst during winter, when thermal inversions trap the warmer polluted air above the city.
86, It seems far more likely that it is this thermal activity that sweeps insects high into the sky on fine days.
87, In the latter case, thermal expansion of the wire proportional to the heating is sensed by mechanical means.
88, For example, when coal is burned, chemical energy is transformed into thermal energy.
89, This suggests that it will need thermal mass to make the best use of the intermittent heat gains that it receives.
90, Most of the world's nuclear reactors are termed thermal reactors and are fuelled by natural or enriched uranium.
More similar words: geothermalformalnormallyformallyinformalsupermanGermangermanyfishermansupermarketaftermathcountermandmallformatsmallmaledormantmaladymaligndismalfemalemammalformationchairmananomalyminimalperformancemalleableinformationterra firma
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