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Supported in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+25Posted:2017-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: supportersupportsupportivein support ofsupportablechild supportimportedpurportedMeaning: [sə'pɔrt /-'pɔːt]  adj. 1. sustained or maintained by aid (as distinct from physical support) 2. held up or having the weight borne especially from below. 
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(151) Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
(152) The floor was of bare earth, and a ring of wooden poles supported the roof.
(153) But he supported an amendment that would have eased the restrictions.
(154) The authors believed that their serological results supported the view that infection with M paratuberculosis might cause Crohn's disease.
(155) However, at the committee's latest meeting he supported two amendments dealing with the status of church shops and newsagents.
(156) Supported reducing the age of consent for homosexual acts to 16.
(157) In 1986, for instance, Dole supported an inheritance tax code that greatly benefited the Gallos.
(158) The center said the loan had a favorable interest rate and came two weeks after President Clinton signed a bill NationsBank supported.
(159) The room had roughly plastered walls and a low ceiling supported on enormous joists trimmed out of whole trees.
(160) Moreover, and to add insult to injury, these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate.
(161) Electronically supported meetings not only solve pressing business problems but offer their own advantages.
(162) It is supported by two Subordinate Committees, one examining the export applications and the other the technology applications.
(163) If Torricelli, the last holdout, had supported the amendment, it looked likely to pass.
(164) My family supported me, but as natural salads and bean eaters, to my astonishment they rather enjoyed it.
(165) These small copper alloy balances had an inverted T-shaped beam supported from its centre by a suspension arm.
(166) Ruling coalition Both the government and the opposition are supported by loose coalitions consisting of many political parties.
(167) The chart table is supported on a tier of large drawers and there is adequate space on the bulkhead for mounting instruments.
(167) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(168) Problem: Thirdfloor rear walls in old rowhouses often are masonry supported only by an old wood beam at the level below.
(169) The Party had supported Labour candidates and was calling for the return of a Labour Government.
(170) Supported by four applied science courses covering the biology, entomology and pathology of seeds, and plant breeding.
(171) The changes were supported by all the major parties and were expected to be approved by parliament in due course.
(172) This view was supported by the medical staff whom he consulted on the matter.
(173) He is supported by a wonderful cast which graces a movie that deserves the label of epic.
(174) That contention was supported by what happened in Game 3 at Jacobs Field, which began in the late afternoon.
(175) The combined effect is to leave individual teachers feeling more accountable, but more confused and less supported.
(176) Mr. Townsend Will my right hon. Friend confirm that that excellent facility is not supported from the aid budget?
(177) Kerry called the labor laws "a legitimate collective effort to protect our children" and said he supported them.
(178) The Labour Party's main coalition partner, the leftist Meretz, supported the move.
(179) The financial backers may also be sensitive about the disclosure of the purchase price that they had supported.
(180) Finally we would like to thank all our neighbours who have consistently supported us in our bid to settle permanently in Passfield.
More similar words: supportersupportsupportivein support ofsupportablechild supportimportedpurportedreportedlypurportedlydecision support systemrapportporteropportuneapportionapportionedportentportendopportunityinopportuneopportunistreporterapportionmentopportunisticportentousporterhouseabortedopportunity costreapportionmentportentously
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