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Strengthen in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+3Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: weakenSimilar words: lengthat lengthseeing thattrendstreamstreetstressstreakMeaning: ['strŋθn]  v. 1. make strong or stronger 2. gain strength 3. give a healthy elasticity to. 
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151. This could strengthen the hand of managers in the provider units.
152. In such cases a written agreement can strengthen your case and perhaps save you some money.
153. The quarrel only served to strengthen my resolve to start out on my own.
154. First, some of the economic functions of government are designed to strengthen and facilitate the operation of the market system.
155. We must strengthen the rights of consumers and challenge the power of monopolies and big business.
156. Should we buy euros in an attempt to strengthen what is an insecure currency?
157. They would strengthen the bridge without making major changes in the steel girder system above that might look out of place.
158. The Pittsburgh-based Westinghouse is sharply reducing its longstanding role as a military contractor in order to strengthen ties to the entertainment industry.
159. Our analyses of voters' information levels and their changing political preferences confirm and even strengthen that finding.
160. They are powerful ways to strengthen your marital relationship, keeping it rich, rewarding, and fun.
161. Soon after, he declared that General Dynamics would identify lagging businesses and sell them or strengthen them through acquisitions or mergers.
162. By the same token we must strengthen our communities and our sense of community.
163. Lawrence could strengthen his squad for a final promotion push.
164. Even so, it had to grow, to strengthen itself and impose itself as a power in the land.
165. The report emphasises the need to strengthen the roles of primary care and of acute local hospitals.
166. Essentially the formal recognition of a union legitimises workers' resistance, and this can immeasurably strengthen their bargaining position.
166. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
167. No matter how old we become, we can acquire knowledge and use it. We can gather wisdom and profit from it. We can grow and progress and improve-and, in the process, strengthen the livs of those within our circle of influence. Gordon B. Hinckley 
168. He followed his re-election with a Cabinet reshuffle designed to strengthen support within the government for his market-oriented economic reforms.
169. At the same time, you will need to strengthen your hair so that you can have it straightened successfully.
170. Aromatherapy, in common with other natural therapies, aims to strengthen the immune system.
171. If this difference is simply accepted, it will only serve to strengthen stereotypes.
172. The aim of the 1911 Act was to strengthen the law against spying.
173. We're trying our best to strengthen the family and make men more conscious of women's rights.
174. At a time of large-scale privatization, one should be seeking to strengthen competition policy.
175. The changes were necessary, Walesa had said in a speech to the Sejm, to strengthen executive authority.
176. Some can also help to strengthen thin and weak hair whilst others help hair look fuller and healthier.
177. Recruited to the board by Hooker, Bok said he had tried to help him strengthen the university.
178. Skill Standards Another way in which employer organizations can help strengthen preparation for work is through the development of skill standards.
179. But he lost out on the First Division title because he was reluctant to strengthen the team.
180. Moscow wished to cultivate this strand of the policy of the non-aligned states to strengthen their political dispute with the Western powers.
More similar words: lengthat lengthseeing thattrendstreamstreetstressstreakstretchentrepreneurdistressstretch outmainstreamobstreperousthenwhenowing toengageengineand thenby thenhencelongtimebelong tolong-termengulfedengineerengage innow and thenkitchen
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