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Strengthen in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+3Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: weakenSimilar words: lengthat lengthseeing thattrendstreamstreetstressstreakMeaning: ['strŋθn]  v. 1. make strong or stronger 2. gain strength 3. give a healthy elasticity to. 
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121. Control amplifications on samples to show that a constant restriction enzyme site can be cut strengthen confidence in the analysis.
122. She hadn't rejected him the first time, though, just evaded a decision, wanting him to strengthen it somehow.
123. Create Daily Rituals for Connection How can you strengthen your relationship on a daily basis?
124. In some respects, of course, greater economic and commercial activity did strengthen the regime.
125. Liverpool's interest is believed to be in either Barton or central defender Scales as Graeme Souness seeks to strengthen his defence.
126. The latest unemployment figures should strengthen the government's resolve to do something about it.
127. The new surge of complaints could strengthen the argument that Britain needs to frame more acceptable noise legislation.
128. Its formal purpose was to strengthen consultation between Whitehall and town and county halls.
129. So instead you set out either to strengthen your position or to undermine his.
130. I am particularly pleased to have seen these relationships mature and strengthen.
131. Part of the reason is the government's effort to strengthen the security forces.
132. The coveted contract helps strengthen arguments proposing Tuxedo as a defacto standard.
133. Atkins has promised to find ways and means to strengthen the economy.
134. Despite recent efforts to strengthen it, modernization theory has few academic supporters today.
135. The Catholic Church is actively promoting the celebrations as a way to strengthen family and community ties and distract kids from gangs.
136. That is their sole purpose - to strengthen desirable behaviour.
136. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
137. Eventually, more and more of us became convinced that working on lesbian and gay rights issues would actually strengthen the movement.
138. Each group alters the leadership roles to strengthen the task-oriented role at the expense of the maintenance role.
139. And the new telecommunications legislation will most likely force more mergers and consolidations as free-market influences strengthen.
140. Efforts to strengthen and improve it in the last decades of the century had only moderate success.
141. In the past year the leadership has moved to strengthen their control over the party.
142. Successful people always search for and learn from new opportunities to improve and strengthen themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
143. His milling design skills were soon recognised by, then responsible for engineering, who recruited to strengthen his team.
144. This will help to strengthen the capital budgeting system and should produce more satisfactory projects.
145. This should, if anything, strengthen the family and encourage childbearing.
146. Adjustment will be speeded up if we can strengthen the time-cues in the new time zone.
147. The good news is that you can strengthen pelvic floor muscles through exercises.
148. Only in a prosperous and well-governed Britain can we strengthen the ties of our community.
149. A manufacturing strategy was developed to strengthen the international competitiveness of Glasgow's manufacturing sector.
150. We make it impossible to use, when in fact that voice might greatly strengthen our writing.
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