Similar words: statute of limitations, nation-state, station, stationery, at station, gestation, forestation, gas station. Meaning: ['steɪʃn] n. (Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus' passage from Pilate's house to his crucifixion at Calvary.
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241. Will the Labour party shut down the new gas-fired generating stations, break those contracts and lay off the men?
242. Nevertheless, stations reflected the same combination of foreign capital and nationalist pride.
243. In this way, signals can be sent to it and bounced back to earth stations for reception.
244. New Zealand stations also demonstrate the manner in which, through repeated renewal, station buildings mirror the development of the country.
245. All the large cities had at least two stations, the town and the cantonment.
246. Elsewhere, voting was generally quiet, with only small official demonstrations outside polling stations.
247. Obviously, local newspapers, by definition, have more community identification than local cable systems and radio and television stations.
248. As they marched from the railroad stations, they were escorted by crowds cheering vociferously.
249. Moore's drawing of Londoners sheltering from the blitz in tube stations are now celebrated.
250. All vehicles carry videotapes and illustrative material and are designed to accommodate up to sixteen girls working in pairs at eight work stations.
251. These social distinctions were reflected in the residential patterns of workers associated with the stations.
251. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
252. Other former Eastern bloc countries also face growing concern over their ageing nuclear power stations.
253. But the idea of full-blown solar power stations is unrealistic in the foreseeable future.
254. He has called for advertisers to boycott these shows and for stations to stop airing them.
255. Thus most power stations are built alongside rivers, canals or the sea, while some are also adjacent to coal mines.
256. In some cases, cameras which produce high definition close-up pictures are linked to video recorders or to screens in police stations.
257. In addition eight nuclear power stations are planned to reduce further the need for oil fired stations.
258. In a free market, polluting coal-fired power stations and unpopular nuclear ones should be less competitive because of rising environmental costs.
259. Filling stations are rarities: it behoves car owners to keep a watch on their reserves of petrol.
260. Even retrofitting of flue gas desulphurisation at the big coal stations would not make them more expensive than some gas burn.
261. Smaller stations, however, like that at the fashionable resort of Hua Hin, adopted a local multi-roofed pagoda style.
262. Between 200 and 300 new commercial stations could come on air in the 1990s and intense competition for advertising revenue is inevitable.
263. Stations come in all sizes from cottage-size right through to major civic buildings.
264. But from the early years of the twentieth century to the 1930s classical styles reigned supreme for all larger city stations.
265. These days motorists congregate at petrol stations in a seemingly perpetual hunt for fuel.
266. The Communist Party and various affiliates control nearly all Soviet printing presses and broadcasting stations.
267. In the short run, it made many black artists unacceptable on urban stations.
268. The second-tier national shows make their money by selling ads with rates based on how many stations they appear on.
269. The revolutionary radio stations are monitored daily and brief news bulletins circulated among the prisoners.
270. They are the political editors and senior correspondents of most of our television stations and national and regional newspapers.
More similar words: statute of limitations, nation-state, station, stationery, at station, gestation, forestation, gas station, bus station, stationary, consultation, attestation, detestation, devastation, incrustation, molestation, infestation, fire station, workstation, deforestation, contestation, space station, comfort station, afforestation, power station, train station, reforestation, police station, manifestation, polling station.