Synonym: aloneness, loneliness, lonesomeness, purdah. Similar words: amplitude, similitude, attitude, altitude, aptitude, beatitude, servitude, magnitude. Meaning: ['sɑlɪtuːd /'sɒlɪjuːd] n. 1. a state of social isolation 2. a solitary place 3. a disposition toward being alone.
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121. What the neon lights of this city flash out is nothing but solitude and loneliness.
122. My solitude being no longer endurable , I went out and walked the town for hours.
123. These three principles echo the absurdness of the world and solitude of individual in atheistic existential literature.
124. A misunderstood Capricorn Moon withdraws into solitude, reticent to share its feelings.
125. The pale green dome making the aesthetic protest in the solitude of sky.
126. Had you been a hierarch monk meditating before the temple wall, I would have been burning in the hall as that stick of incense, in your company, for a while, with your contemplative solitude.
127. Solitude can be endurable even sweet just for cherishing hope of love.
128. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
129. Only by owning loneliness, pulchritude and solitude can we have our flowers fostered many years, the longer the time it takes growing , the richer the fragrance is .
130. Garcia Marquez of Colombia known as the master of magic realism, his masterpiece, "Hundred Years of Solitude" come out, so that creative magic realism to a peak.
131. The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendshipFrancis Bacon.
132. Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience.
133. Solitude(, and an air so pure that it goes to your head like wine and you feel like a million dollars.
134. You see that below the moon garden pond, the lotus leaf for falling in pieces returns at quietly to the bridge of this that solitude.
135. This is the solitude and sit-in I advocated when there was joyance because the life was woke up.
136. This child had been the colonel's joy in his solitude; but the grandfather had imperatively claimed his grandson, declaring that if the child were not given to him he would disinherit him.
137. The gamin loves the city, he also loves solitude, since he has something of the sage in him.
138. The motif of these volumes is that "solitude is the richness of the soul,[ ] loneliness is its poverty.".
139. Solitude is a reticent hitman who effluences bullets of painful get me through.
140. Yet nearly three years elapsed before One Hundred Years of Solitude made its way into English.
More similar words: amplitude, similitude, attitude, altitude, aptitude, beatitude, servitude, magnitude, longitude, gratitude, rectitude, turpitude, pulchritude, aptitude test, solitary, student, solid, solicit, gasoline, solidify, liturgy, solicitous, polity, politic, politely, politics, impolite, volition, monolith, abolition.