Similar words: chiefdom, serf, user interface, out of doors, dome, random, perform, domain. Meaning: n. the state of a serf.

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(1) It has reduced us politically to serfdom.
(2) In a third he concentrated on serfdom.
(3) It is better to begin abolishing serfdom from above than to wait for it to begin to abolish itself from below.
(4) It was upon serfdom that the critics of Tsarism rapidly came to focus their attention.
(5) The abolition of serfdom would therefore be a necessary precondition of free labour mobility.
(6) Was the pressure to abolish serfdom and slavery then economic?
(7) The last vestiges of serfdom had disappeared in the sixteenth century, and the peasants farmed the land as leaseholders or sharecroppers.
(8) To tamper with serfdom was certain to arouse wild expectations among the peasantry and would require the most rigorous control.
(9) Peasants under serfdom tended to be forced to fulfil their obligations.
(10) In a society based on serfdom, order depended upon upholding the authority of the serf-owners.
(11) Serfdom stifled both collective and individual initiative among the peasantry.
(12) It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to await the day when it will begin to abolish itself from below.
(13) the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861.
(14) The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.
(15) Now the savage system of serfdom in Xizang has been ended.
(16) Under the centuries - long feudal serfdom, the Tibetan serfs were politically oppressed, economically exploited and frequently persecuted.
(17) The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments.
(18) Dependence was imposed and the rest is history and green beans, cotton tee-shirts, patronage, and serfdom.
(19) Since the principal advantage of being a noble was the right to exploit peasant labour, serfdom looked set to continue.
(20) Even the most loyal officials found it increasingly difficult to defend serfdom on moral grounds.
(21) In the 1890s the Kaszubians emerged from the fog of feudal serfdom and manorial labour.
(22) The Vicosinos were of like mind and thus Supported the project to purchase the land and liberate these families from serfdom.
(23) He had learned, he told his audience, that rumours have spread among you of my intention to abolish serfdom.
(24) The status of the golf pro was elevated from serfdom to secular divinity in 20 years.
(25) In 1848 Prussian peasants rose up to put an end to serfdom and to pledges of service to their landlords.
(26) So Chekhov gets invited to this fancy dinner on the anniversary of the abolition of serfdom.
(27) Successor to Peter, Catherine II brought Enlightenment to Russia. Emphasised on education, tried to draft laws, but these reforms left the system of serfdom intact.
(28) In Russian history, it is Peter the Great and Stalin who are considered the great modernisers rather than Alexander II, who abolished serfdom, or Mr Gorbachev, who opened up the country.
(29) Since taking control of Tibet, China has abolished the Indian - based caste system and agricultural serfdom.
(30) Reform in 1861 to retain a large number of remnants of serfdom.
More similar words: chiefdom, serf, user interface, out of doors, dome, random, perform, domain, seldom, wisdom, perfect, perfume, perfidy, at random, abdomen, randomly, boredom, freedom, kingdom, cater for, performer, dominate, dominion, domineer, domicile, domestic, dominant, overflow, cheerful, answer for.