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Sellers in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sellerdwellerundersellsellkillerhollertillerrollerMeaning: ['selə(r)]  n. English comic actor (1925-1980). 
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1. There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers
2. Sellers pay a fixed commission fee.
3. The same terms are offered by other sellers.
4. This particular model is one of our biggest sellers.
5. Police did a roundup of suspected drug sellers.
6. Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. All manner of hawkers and street sellers were plying their trade.
8. The album 'Thriller' remains one of the biggest sellers of all time.
9. Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest offer.
10. He was unsympathetic with many house sellers, complaining that they were motivated by greed.
11. Design after design bubbled up from the Sellers shops.
12. The sellers tried to rely upon the exemption clause.
13. Who remembers most of yesterday's best sellers?
14. The sellers were scared off by a large buyer.
15. Alcohol and western cigarettes are best sellers.
16. Stockholm: Foreigners were noted among the sellers.
17. Still[], sellers have faced trouble finding buyers.
18. Her stepson Michael Sellers is a diabetic.
19. So to the major sellers of 1993.
20. Internet sites are packed with eager sellers.
21. Sellers, 27, of Truckee, was out of bounds.
22. Their sellers meanwhile still await payment from Tajan.
23. Short sellers took it on the chin last year.
24. The products that are often headlined on TV are the good sellers in the recent markets.
25. It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers.
26. It was a hot sunny day and the ice-cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.
27. The hot weather has been a godsend for ice-cream sellers.
28. There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets.
29. The marketplace was jammed with a noisy crowd of buyers and sellers.
30. The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers, dope sellers and gangsters.
More similar words: sellerdwellerundersellsellkillerhollertillerrollerallergygalleryallergicsell outoutsellsell offscullerystrollerartillerypainkillercomptrollerswelledgazellecounsellorsell-by datedealershipcompelledcancelledbest-sellingconverselyexcellentintellect
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