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Rosin in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: erosionlosingneurosisambrosiaporositysclerosiscorrosivecorrosionMeaning: ['rɒzɪn]  n. any of a class of solid or semisolid viscous substances obtained either as exudations from certain plants or prepared by polymerization of simple molecules. v. rub rosin onto. 
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1. I come in for me rosin and you're lying on the ground.
2. Some percentage of dibasic acids were replaced by rosin.
3. The cationic rosin was synthesized by solvent method, with rosin, trimethylamine and epoxy chloropropane as raw materials.
4. The use of plasticized rosin as an analog material of the ductile lower lithosphere provides an effective approach to modelling intraplate plastic flow network and multi layer tectonic deformation.
5. The activity of curing reaction of modified rosin based alicyclic epoxy resin with modified methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride was investigated by thermal analysis and gelatin time determination.
6. Our main commodities include gum rosin, rosin ester, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, essentials oils est.
7. A series of hydrogenated rosin is composed of tricyclic diterpene resin acid.
8. Greeniz solvent for determining the acid value of rosin glyceride by means of titration was studied.
9. Pentaerythritol ester of gum rosin are made from gum rosin or light-colored rosin through esterification with pentaerythritol; used in adhesives, rubber products.
10. Rosin modified alkyd resin prepared by soybean oilstocks had reliable performance and stable quality.
11. Gum rosin is a kind of natural resin with high economic value.
12. Nonionic surfactant polyglycerol maleated rosin ester(PGMRE) has been synthesized by the reaction of maleated rosin and polyglycerol.
13. Organ - montmorillonite ( OMMT ) modified rosin emulsion was prepared by inversion process.
14. For functional polymer of rosin allyl alcohol ester[], the static adsorption of ginkgo biloba flavone was 22.
15. In this paper , the method of the synthesis of fumaric acid modified rosin was studied.
16. A description is made of the sources, chemical composition and physicochemical properties of rosin and its derivant.
17. Conjugated unsaturation of abietic resin acids can be removed through catalytic hydrogenation to overcome the shortcomings of oxidation and color degradation in rosin.
18. This paper has studied the synthesis of hot - melt road marking paint using modified rosin - alkyd resin.
19. Gardner chromaticity value and color grade of solid gum rosin was determined a Lovibond automatic colorimeter.
20. The merit of " manque " theory lies in its generalization of rosin features of the new novel group and enrichment of fictional creation theory, hence certain aesthetic values.
21. Gardner chromaticity value and color grade of solid gum rosin was determined with a Lovibond automatic colorimeter .
22. The selection and dosage of emulsifier, temperature of emulsification and phase inversion are proposed in the course of preparing rosin emulsion.
23. The solvate part of the hyperdispersant was synthesized from rosin and 12 - hydroxylauric acid.
24. Rosin and gaseous ammonia occurred the reaction of ammoniation by the catalyst of para-ammonium tungstate, and dehydrating action, which might produce the high-quality rosin nitrile.
25. The basis for the Nota is that when finely divided rosin is exposed to air, it will oxidise because of its large surface area.
26. The solvent variation is one of factors that affect quality of hydrogenated rosin.
27. The optimum technological conditions of nonyl phenolic resin modified by rosin have been studied.
28. The main oil-generating components in coal are relatively low content of keratose and sporinite. Rosin and exinite are in the next place.
29. Ni-loaded nanocatalyst has been prepared by means of metal alkoxide hydrolysis. The lifetime of the catalyst for catalyzing disproportionation of gum rosin is investigated.
30. A modified alkyd resin has been prepared oil fatty acid, rosin and waste PETP etc.
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