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Refrain in a sentence

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Sentence count:123+9Posted:2017-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: abstainavoidforegoshunAntonym: persistSimilar words: refreshforefrontafraidrefreshmentrefrigeratorbe afraid ofbe afraid torainMeaning: [rɪ'freɪn]  n. the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers. v. 1. resist doing something 2. choose not to consume. 
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61. A restriction that he refrain from counseling women will expire at the end of this month.
62. Chichi couldn't refrain from giving him a BIG HUG!
63. Refrain from using such coarse language.
64. We refrain from reproducing them here.
65. I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work.
66. She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears.
67. Can you refrain from laughter, my friends?
68. He appealed to all factions to refrain from violence.
69. Can we refrain from exercising the people's democratic dictatorship?
70. He could hardly refrain himself.
71. The refrain in the street continued.
72. Please refrain from feeding the monkeys.
73. You should refrain your tongue from backbiting.
74. They might refrain from glorying in them.
75. How shall I refrain from tears when we part?
76. I made a terrific effort to refrain from tears.
77. In (the) a VOA interview last month she (void) voiced support for the pro-democracy movement and urged ( Barmy ) Burmese soldiers to (referring) refrain from violence against those seeking freedom .
78. The depreciation of the dollar raises concerns among world leaders who agreed at the last meeting to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies.
79. G20 summit communiqu_ Friday said it was agreed to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies and move towards market-determined exchange rates.
80. Echoing what has become a common refrain in paleoanthropology , the Dmanisi discoveries in some ways raise more questions than they answer.
81. Refrain from petty arguments; if you disagree, raise your concerns diplomatically while dignifying opposing views.
82. This method refrain from any backtracking . The time and space consumed by search are greatly reduced.
83. Please refrain from swimming, sauna or water sport for 1 month.
84. They perform the obligations, refrain from all the prohibitions, and engage in performing many supererogatory acts of worship.
85. Tubman called for government security forces and United Nations peacekeepers to refrain from threatening and intimidating CDC members as they exercise their rights of assembly, association and speech.
86. He urged fellow surgeons to wash themselves, put on clean clothes and refrain from deliveries for 48 hours after coming into contact with a case of puerperal fever.
87. All users should refrain from damaging the driving range, its fixture and equipment.
88. "They smell like garlic," said restaurateur Xu, voicing a popular refrain. "We Shanghai people keep ourselves and our homes very clean. We are more refined. We drink coffee. They only drink tea.
89. It calls on nations and international financial institutions to refrain from providing new grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to Iran except for humanitarian and development purposes.
90. Dow Jones newswires reports that a draft communique prepared for the meeting calls for member countries to "refrain from competitive devaluation."
More similar words: refreshforefrontafraidrefreshmentrefrigeratorbe afraid ofbe afraid toraintraindrainrainybrainstraingrainsterraintrainerby trainrainingrainbowrainfallgrainedrestraintrainingstrainedconstrainconstraintunrestrainedmaintaincome fromdate from
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