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Fuming in a sentence

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Sentence count:54+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: consumingruminatealuminumluminaryaluminiumruminationilluminatecoming
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1. He was still fuming over the remark.
2. She was still quietly fuming about Peter's remarks.
3. She sat in the car, silently fuming about what he'd said.
4. I was fuming at their inefficiency.
5. He was fuming with indignation.
6. All the pas-sengers were fuming at the delay.
7. We were all fuming at the delay.
8. He sat fuming over what he had just learnt.
9. Motorists were left fuming as police closed the motorway for six hours.
10. The freighter was fuming thick black smoke and ready for departure.
11. She sat in the car, silently fuming at the traffic jam.
12. The whole episode left me fuming at the injustice of it all.
13. He sat there fuming.
14. Fuming, Christopher shut himself in the house.
15. I stood there fuming until I was noticed.
16. It left Mr Schrempp fuming at the betrayal.
17. Timothy and Tafler then spray foam at the fuming Frank,(Sentence dictionary) and it soon covers the entire stage.
18. One can imagine a Soviet general fuming to see it around her neck.
19. He was fuming about it when Yolanda hopped into his car, the sickly sweet stink of her perfume almost choking him.
20. Behind the scenes Pilger, still fuming from the Kennedy Hotel showdown, was working separately.
21. Also, the Tigers are fuming about their controversial loss to Arkansas last year.
22. David Ashworth Parents fuming over bus posters A COUNCIL-owned bus company has been attacked for carrying tobacco advertising on school buses.
23. I saw her a week after they'd had the argument and she was still fuming.
24. By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming .
25. He handed it and his sunhat back to the fuming bowler, who felt the gesture was not made with due courtesy.
26. It will do no good at all if it leaves you fuming internally for the rest of the day.
27. Almost certainly he would expect to find her sitting there, fuming but ready to be driven home.
28. What I want is to see him win that second gold and wear the flag again - while the Yanks stand fuming.
29. But the firm pulled the plug on the scheme last week, leaving McAlpine fuming.
30. Not only will the situation which upsets you continue, but you will continue to do yourself harm by fuming about it.
More similar words: consumingruminatealuminumluminaryaluminiumruminationilluminatecomingtimingcoming inboomingswimmingseeminglybloomingswarminggloomingconformingexaminingforthcominghummingbirddomineeringprogrammingoverwhelmingadministeringhumidliving thinghumiliatemindminormine
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