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Receiver in a sentence

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Sentence count:219+7Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: transmitterSimilar words: receiveperceiveperceivedconceiverecentrecentlyrecessionreceptionMeaning: [rɪ'sɪːvə(r)]  n. 1. set that receives radio or tv signals 2. (law) a person (usually appointed by a court of law) who liquidates assets or preserves them for the benefit of affected parties 3. earphone that converts electrical signals into sounds 4. a person who gets something 5. a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass. 
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121. The receiver has said a strike will mean total closure of Leyland Daff in Britain.
122. When he was at Miami, he turned some heads by proclaiming himself the best receiver in college football.
123. Her mind made up, she picked up the receiver and dialled the number of the separate school.
124. Before bringing the receiver to his face, he rubs the earpiece and mouthpiece against the sleeve of his denim jacket.
125. The Raiders finally abandoned hope of turning Ismail into a productive wide receiver.
126. The official receiver has been called into the firm, which ceased trading last June.
127. For a quick laugh, you stick the receiver part of the phone on your forehead with the rubber suction pad.
128. You will need two Vero Plugblocks if using this method of construction - one for the transmitter and one for the receiver.
129. A creditor may appoint the official receiver to be his general or special proxy.
130. Albert panicked, and put the receiver down(, which made the next attempt more difficult.
131. Satellites are now semi-old technology which the Communistparty can still police through controls over cable relays and receiver dishes.
132. Dallas wide receiver Michael Irvin says he wants to move ahead.
133. Lifted the receiver, listened to the dialling tone, put it down again.
134. The powers of the administrative receiver are extensive and he will have complete control over the management of the company.
135. This is inserted between the receiver and the tail rotor servo.
136. Their secondary included no cornerback tall enough to dream of looking into the eyes of Detroit wide receiver Herman Moore.
137. So long as the receiver is in the driving seat neither the owners nor the unsecured creditors can do much to remove him.
138. As the administrative receiver is the agent of the company, his appointment does not terminate the company's contracts.
139. To appoint a receiver is more convenient for the mortgagee than taking possession.
140. And the official receiver has warned that more job losses could follow if threatened strikes at other plants go ahead.
141. Her hands were shaking when she picked up the receiver and dialled the number of Sabrina's flat.
142. Rohmer was already moving to join them as Cardiff replaced the telephone receiver and pushed away from the reception desk.
143. When this was not done the judge ordered a receiver to be appointed as an officer of the court in place of the trustees.
144. She picked up the receiver, dialled Giles Carnaby's number, and then replaced the receiver before the connection was made.
145. Pittsburgh has gone to a little bit of a new look now with that wide receiver set they have.
146. My fingers gripped the telephone receiver; my body tensed in a familiar effort to fight the rising emotion.
147. The official receiver has been called in to work out how much the firm, which folded last year, owed.
148. Intelligent mini receiver, automatic connection need not yards.
149. "Typical!" Hattie slammed down the receiver. "Absolutely typical!".
150. B. Switch"ON"the transmitter and the neckband receiver unit.
More similar words: receiveperceiveperceivedconceiverecentrecentlyrecessionreceptionunprecedenteddeceptiverecoverrecoveryliverdriverdeliverdiversedeliverydiversitygive rise toanniversaryeconomic recoveryover and overceilingpiecedecentonce in a whilea piece ofgo to piecespiece togetherreck
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