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Prose in a sentence

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Sentence count:234+8Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: poetrySimilar words: prosecuteprosecutorprosecutionproselytizemorosesun rosea bed of rosesprosperMeaning: [prəʊz]  n. 1. ordinary writing as distinguished from verse 2. matter of fact, commonplace, or dull expression. 
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(91) His range of subjects was enormous; his prose distinctive, lucid, and distinguished.
(92) The relationship between illness and creativity interested him, and he often emphasized it in his prose writings.
(93) There is not a great deal of readable prose in the field.
(94) All this has been pared away in favor of ideas and a spare, urgent prose style.
(95) Either prose composition or other linguistic exercises form the basis for tutorial work.
(96) Joe was the stylist, throwing in literary references and lingering over their prose until it had a lilt.
(97) Ackroyd's truest prose occurs when he applies himself to the imitation of ancient and recent writers - a repertoire of others.
(98) An aggressive self-publicist[], her inflamed prose brought her much notoriety.
(99) Kingsolver's fecund prose is always reader-friendly, though we are directed to her messages with too heavy a hand.
(100) We can only turn bad love into prose about bad love.
(101) And not least among his endowments is the command of a prose style which makes what he writes a pleasure to read.
(102) F fable A short story in prose or verse which is written so that a moral may be learnt from it.
(103) Honest prose defeats dissembling verse, and the braggart goes off to be a thief.
(104) In other words, there is no one model of prose style which is applicable to all texts.
(105) There are many allusions to him in prose writers as well as poets.
(106) In all but five plays verse is the statistically dominant form and prose has the role of the essential but inferior complement.
(107) None of this high-minded prose seemed to have any effect on the New York legislature.
(108) Who would not have been deceived by a king disguised, and in prose?
(109) It printed prose and verse in broadside and chapbook form till its activities were cut short by the War.
(110) Meanwhile, though, his interests in much of his prose gravitated towards the city and the consideration of social order.
(111) Lady Thatcher will be honing her purple prose for the debate in the Lords.
(112) There are certain qualities in Orwell's prose that I greatly admire.
(113) It won't be deathless prose,( but it should be a grammatical and effective piece of writing.
(114) Topping the list of my favorite prose pieces are Kenyon's incredible hiking and gardening essays.
(115) The prose of this chapter measures the adequacy of verbal accounts of catastrophe in the age of photographic reproduction.
(116) At times the scribes contort their prose into uncomfortable postures to avoid the hazards of personal prediction.
(117) Anna Adams provides written commentary in prose and verse, and Norman contributes nine watercolours.
(118) Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language.
(119) His prose is always lucid and compelling.
(120) This is a beautiful, and moving prose poem.
More similar words: prosecuteprosecutorprosecutionproselytizemorosesun rosea bed of rosesprosperheterosexualprospectproscribeprosperityprostrateprostheticprosperousproposeprospectusprostituteproposedprostrationprospectivegross domestic productgrosscrossfrostyacrosscross outaerosolengrosserosion
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