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Plausible in a sentence

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Sentence count:197+4Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: believablelogicalreasonablesensiblesoundAntonym: actualgenuineSimilar words: visiblefeasiblepossiblesensibleinvisibledivisibleadmissibleostensibleMeaning: ['plɔːzəbl]  adj. 1. apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful 2. given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments. 
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(151) Brecht 's Theories of Comedy and of Epic Theater: What are His Expectations, and How Plausible are They (Do his effects actually work, in your experience of the play?
(152) Great love makes It'seem reasonable, sometimes plausible, but never satisfactory.
(153) In the theory, the rationality of single subject research is demonstrated by single coexistent analogy, plausible reasoning and falsification.
(154) I blended a multitude of human physiognomies to create this plausible simulation.
(155) Many plausible reasoning formalisms have been employed in a variety of expert systems at present.
(156) The most plausible instarces of a priori concepts are the formal concepts of logic.
(157) Our first impulse is to accept the plausible as true and to the uncongenial as false.
(158) Compute the signal to noise ratio to show what you propose is plausible.
(159) While that's still open to debate, it's plausible that the most recent glacial period left its mark on our species.
(160) Through specific courses author expound the combination of Plausible Reasoning and example.
(161) "Overall, independent of the exact mechanism, the association shown seems plausible, and is yet another reason to do as the authors advise -- seek professional help for better sleep(, " Fisher said.
(162) Although LIFO presents the least plausible flow of goods for most businesses, many firms use it.
(163) Now those findings are correlational, meaning that it’s perfectly plausible that poor sleep is the result of these other problems, rather than the cause.
(164) Plausible reasoning, belonging to the category of non-monotonic logic, is a sort of frequently-used reasoning on the basis of common knowledge.
(165) We leave for the very plausible state of Oregon at eight A . M.
(166) Since eminent domain prevails the exclusivism of property right, the transaction rule in the market is hardly plausible to assess the fairness of the compensation.
(167) It is departing from the realm of plausible re-election prospects, in other words, and moving towards a Jimmy Carterish netherworld.
(168) Lamarck, however, failed to be generally persuasive because he didn't have a plausible mechanism — he could see that evolution takes place, but he didn't know how.
(169) While the authors speculate that an increased risk could be biologically plausible given that calcium is connected with hardening of the arteries, another expert thinks not.
(170) Eventually, the author mentioned personal understanding of plausible reasoning Teaching.
(171) The available methods for watermarking detection include related detection, maximum plausible detection and maximum posterior probability detection, etc.
(172) However, plague outbreaks following use of a biological weapon are a plausible threat.
(172) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(173) Assuming these findings extend to neurons, they provide a plausible mechanism for herpes simplex encephalitis.
(174) The most plausible instances of a priori concept are the formal concepts of logic.
(175) It's plausible that millions of years ago a single mutation resulted in two different versions of the photopigment gene becoming located on the same X chromosome.
(176) Some of the ideas are very intriguing and sound intuitively plausible.
(177) The skill you accrete during this trauma is the ability to imagine plausible solutions, and to estimate the likelihood that an approach will work.
(178) A second plausible argument for intervention is that thin people subsidise fat people through health care.
(179) For making this text, many investigation and experiment regarding to the developing status of plausible reasoning ability of pupil in the eighth and ninth grade have been done.
(180) The implausibility of one version of consequentialism does not make consequentialism implausible in general, since other versions of consequentialism still might be plausible.
More similar words: visiblefeasiblepossiblesensibleinvisibledivisibleadmissibleostensibleimpossibleinsensiblepermissibleaccessiblecollapsibleresponsibleinaccessiblecomprehensibleresponsible forinexpressiblereprehensibleincomprehensiblebe responsible foras soon as possibleplauditsapplaudplauditclaustrophobiaclaustrophobicsiblingpossiblyinsensibly
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