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Plastics in a sentence

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Sentence count:289+5Posted:2017-04-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: plasticplasticityelasticgymnasticsiconoclasticinelastic demandprice elasticityplaster cast
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181. Analyzed the foreign polymer and synthesized the plastics additives in the Chemistry Department of Lanzhou University .
182. Sold to the national and medium - sized paper, plastics, metallurgical, chemical, rubber factory and various packaging industry.
183. Doesn't dimple plastics cut have fine line to drop meeting effect effect?
184. Molding process, equipment and die of thermosetting plastics for injection molding discussed in the paper.
185. Attention was paid on how to lower the production costs in the processing of thermosetting plastics, which covered the fiber orientation, removal of burr and sprue runner material loss.
186. SO4-20 polyurethane enamel is the most suitable coating for chromium plated plastics works as compared with the others.
187. One technique for the chemical nickel plating on the plastics surface was introduced. The process conditions of chemical plating were discussed.
188. High Pressure is used to stamp articles made of metal and plastics.
189. The plastics lighthouse that will be set up has eight meters high.
190. Some common problems about making the natural fiber filled plastics ( NFP ) are discussed.
191. For the little ones, untreated, unpainted wood is safe to chew unlike plastics that contain PVC.
192. The feasibility of the increase production of HDPE with the help of slurry outside circulation technique for the HDPE polymerizer in the Plastics Plant of Yangtse Co. , Ltd. was analyzed.
193. Hard plastics, hard rubbers, aluminum, tin, copper soft steel, synthetic resins , fricative materials, etc.
194. The coating requirements and the selection of coatings of chrome plating plastics are introduced.
195. The fiber paper are used as the basic materials of PVDC latex coating packaging materials ,( with the same packaging property as painting PVDC on other plastics films.
196. Wholesome clean is provided main by pottery and porcelain, glass reinforced plastics, plastic, scagliola (agate) , the material such as stainless steel is made character.
197. The first is the Fujia factory in Dalian, a $1.5bn modern facility that produces paraxylene (PX), a mildly toxic chemical used in plastics.
198. I prefer watermelon or green pumpkin soft plastics and like to add a little chartreuse coloring on the tail.
199. A course material used in blast cleaning, such as sand, steel shot, glass beads or plastics .
200. Multi-temperature control, multi-injection pressure, speed, back-pressure all can adjust boundless, fit for the precise plastics to formation.
201. Now in our country 50% medicine is blister packing troche and capsule preparation. Annual demand of plastics plate negative is 50(,000 tons.
202. I mainly recall is waste paper, scrap copper, scrap iron, Feilv, waste plastics.
203. It is demonstrated that expanded polystyrene plastics can be weel processed with refined oil.
204. The comprehensive utilization and development of polystyrene ( PS ) foamed plastics are studied.
205. AC and DC electronic balance is made of plastics shell, LCD, sensor amd computer.
206. The utility model relates to a luminous spittoon capable of emitting light in the dark, which is composed of general plastics, enamel spittoon and self luminescent material.
207. Typic testing method for the performance of flame retardants are introduced according to that of plastics.
208. Cut out expanded plastics into as identical as the bed width above all, use ready man-made leather to lap its trimly next, folding part has been secured with adhesive plaster can.
209. Senior research scientist, University of Calgary, Canada. Metabolic engineering of biodegradable plastics - polyhydroxyalkanoate in plant.
210. One used in the coatings, paints, plastics, rubber, ink and paper - related industries, such as titanium white!
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