Synonym: grapevine, line, word of mouth. Similar words: in the pipeline, feline, beeline, life line, eyeliner, on the line, sideline, guideline. Meaning: n. 1. gossip spread by spoken communication 2. a pipe used to transport liquids or gases.
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61. On the fiendishly tricky 10 - 15 foot sets of the final rounds, resident Pipeline specialists began with a huge advantage.
62. He set up a beehive barricade as bulldozers moved in to dig a pipeline near his land.
63. What is the main reason for local companies' preference for cooperation or partnership with those major companies in the pipeline development?
64. After considerable market research, several new products are now in the pipeline.
65. Reagan lifted the pipeline sanctions and Britoil went up for sale and Lech Walesa was freed.
66. Gas exports through the new trans-Siberian export pipeline from Urengoy have helped in the past and will help in the future.
67. There is no sense in doing this, however, unless there is an order in the pipeline.
68. Deliberation on punitive damages begins today in 20 blast victims' lawsuit against Seminole Pipeline Co.
69. However, Richard Williams and his team achieved notable success in survey support services to major pipeline construction work in the Gulf.
70. This might be a fixed length pipeline, or even a single sequential processor.
71. Public or private, Amstrad will have to cut back as there are no blockbuster products in the pipeline, Sugar warns.
72. Several thousand people have died over recent years through oil fires and pipeline ruptures.
73. Plans for building 1,700 rental units are in the pipeline.
74. A significant contributor to this will be the Urengoy export pipeline.
75. Caustic soda is also widely used in beer pipeline cleaners for the licensed trades.
76. With my direct pipeline into Rainbow's thoughts blocked off, I must stoop to guesswork.
77. Despite these differences, it is encouraging to see that both countries are positive about cooperation in this pipeline development.
78. Legislation is also in the pipeline to allow companies limited by guarantee, and hybrid companies, to be formed.
79. But with the pipeline capable of handling 750m cubic feet of gas a day there is scope for a rapid expansion.
80. He will, however, have to start defending them and other decisions still in the pipeline.
81. There is also a further cut in the pipeline, but this second phase of diesel pollution is running into technical problems.
82. But even with the superstores, the retail pipeline typically maintains at least 70 days of inventory, analysts say.
83. What do you push through the pipeline that makes you the most amount of money and provides the most benefit?
84. There are one or two important changes in the pipeline.
85. The train wreck destabilized a gas pipeline that later exploded.
86. Twelve companies took part, several of which obtained firm orders, while other business is in the pipeline.
86. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
87. But a spokesman said there should be no need for further job cuts on top of 1,250 redundancies already in the pipeline.
88. It has been designed to execute most single-word instructions in a single clock cycle through a four-stage instruction pipeline.
89. Transportation by pipeline and handling are simple, and local storage is not required.
90. To accomplish that goal, the company intends to focus on global investments in exploration, pipeline and power projects.
More similar words: in the pipeline, feline, beeline, life line, eyeliner, on the line, sideline, guideline, shoreline, toe the line, loneliness, delineate, draw the line, pipe, delineation, pipes, bagpipe, pipe down, read between the lines, archipelago, pelican, compelling, feelings, grueling, sniveling, delinquent, unfeeling, line, counseling, relinquish.