Synonym: alarm, awe, dread, fear, fright, phobia, scare, terror. Similar words: Hispanic, Spanish, companion, organic, mechanic, mechanical, pan, pant. Meaning: ['pænɪk] n. 1. an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety 2. sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events. v. 1. be overcome by a sudden fear 2. cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic.
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91. A sense of panic has spread over the country.
92. The thought of having to be in charge threw him into a mild panic.
93. It was panic stations when the deadline was brought forward by a week.
94. The whole nation is in a state of panic following the attacks.
95. He was still following me, and in a panic I broke into a run .
96. I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time.
97. Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.
98. The prime minister pressed the panic button yesterday as Britain's economy plunged deeper into crisis.
99. She felt a wave of panic, but forced herself to leave the room calmly.
100. The current was starting to tip the canoe over and I began to panic.
101. I felt a surge of panic when I realized my mistake.
102. A wave of panic swept through the crowd and people started running.
103. He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.
104. Panic set in as gatecrashers tried to force their way through the narrow doors and
105. It was panic stations when the police arrived to search the building.
106. The two heroic sisters quickly headed off the panic - stricken sheep.
107. The note of pure panic in his voice was almost comical.
108. The news of the coup threw them into into a state of panic.
109. She went into a mad panic when she couldn't find the exit.
110. Even the most cool-headed individuals can be thrown into a mild panic at the prospect of organizing a wedding.
111. She got into a panic when she couldn't find the tickets.
112. She still has panic attacks, two years after the accident.
113. The government admitted that there was a petrol shortage, but warned people against panic buying.
114. He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.
115. Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm.
116. With only minutes to go, we were now in panic mode.
117. Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.
118. Public speaking can produce a state of mind akin to panic.
119. Sudden panic overtook her.
120. News that the claims might be true set off widespread panic.
More similar words: Hispanic, Spanish, companion, organic, mechanic, mechanical, pan, pant, expand, company, panel, accompany, vanish, nice, expansion, organism, organize, clinic, ethnic, mechanism, organized, keep an eye on, participant, meaningful, manipulate, chronic, laconic, clinical, keep company with, organization.