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Ouse in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: couscousyou seehouseno useoustsousenousmouseMeaning: n. a river in northeastern England that flows generally southeastward to join the Trent River and form the Humber. 
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1. The Ouse Washes is the largest inland area of regularly flooded marshland in Great Britain.
2. The nearby River Great Ouse was higher than the level on the streets.
3. The Ouse takes a slow and meandering course eastwards ending eventually at the Wash.
4. Torrents of water pour into the Ouse River System, sluice gates open and excess water floods the meadows.
5. 'The' Ouse of Lords,'put in the old man reminiscently.
6. A bus crosses a bridge over the swollen Ouse.
7. The River Ouse burst its banks over the weekend, leaving some residents up to their knees in water.
8. A borough of northern England on the Ouse River east-northeast of Leeds.
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9. T heh ouse rose with a stab in the very directly.
10. OUSE:So I'm gonna say, your Mom, in the hospital, with the candlestick .
11. A municipal borough of south-central England on the Ouse River west of Cambridge.
12. Residents were evacuated from the town as the waters rose and the Ouse threatened to burst its banks.
13. Infected bittersweet, a weed found along river banks, has been picked up bordering the River Ouse.
14. He opened his own nursery on a spot surrounded by the infant Ouse.
15. As the peat shrank, the critical outfall of the river Ouse into the North Sea inevitably began to silt up.
16. A river, about 64 km (40 mi) long, of east-central England. It flows past Cambridge to join the Ouse River south of Ely.
17. It rises in Staffordshire and flows northeast 168 mi (270 km) to unite with the Ouse River west of Hull to form the Humber Estuary.
18. After the final attack of mental illness, Woolf loaded her pockets full of stones and drowned herself in the River Ouse near her Sussex home on March 28, 1941.
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