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Soused in a sentence

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Sentence count:11+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-10-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sousearousedcallousedsedulousseditioussedulouslya sound mind in a sound bodysouMeaning: [saʊs]  adj. 1. wet from being plunged into liquid 2. very drunk. 
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1. The diamond ring was soused into the fishbowl of water.
2. The sunlight is soused into the woods.
3. Sweat soused him all over.
4. She soused down into the river.
5. We were soused to the skin.
6. Soused herring was the standard hospital breakfast and she declared she couldn't stomach that at seven o clock in the morning.
7. He soused water on her head.
8. He soused a dog in the pond.
9. Almost all kinds of vegetables have been soused in salt water at my home this year.
10. These fish have been soused in salt water for quite a few days.
11. Charlie is more than moist around the edges . He is soused.
More similar words: sousearousedcallousedsedulousseditioussedulouslya sound mind in a sound bodysousoursouksoupsouthsoulsoupysoughgo soursourlysouthernsourcesoundsoughtsouringpass outmiss outsuss outmissouricross outsoutheastoutsourceresound
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