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Rous in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2017-12-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rouserousergrouseroustarouseserousarousedporousMeaning: n. United States pathologist who discovered viruses that cause tumors (1879-1970). 
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1 That Rous was a snob and a social climber could scarcely be denied.
2 The paper did not cause much excitement and Rous turned to other subjects.
3 So we know this plankton is very dange rous.
4 Accumulations, rous 'd love and joy and thought.
5 When it came to Rous versus Havelange, Dassler's strategy was to back both horses, at least at first.
6 May our friendship be like a snowball that rous further and further and bigger and bigger in the clean and clear snow field.
7 Even more important is the testimony of the fifteenth-century Warwick chantry priest John Rous, who died in 1491.
8 Huggins shared a Nobel prize in 1966 with Peyton Rous.
9 At the Rockefeller Institute in New York, Francis Peyton Rous and J. R.
10 All of Wordsworth's ideas about nature can be traced back to Rous...
11 A new wastewater filtration technique using filter made of po - rous PE tubes was researched.
12 The lumbar vertebral canal and nerve root canals are of osseofib - rous makeup.
13 The day after I went to fix up an appointment to see Rous again,[] ' says Morley Myers.
14 His sketch is very short and humo ( u ) rous.
15 Three days later, many people went over the wall, we have not encountered rous .
16 They had long memories, they'd never forgiven Havelange for defeating their man Rous in 1974 and they'd hoped a good European candidate would emerge.
More similar words: rouserousergrouseroustarouseserousarousedporousoneroustrousercarousecarouselsonoroustrousershydrousferrousamorousarousalcuprousrousingfibrouspetrousodorousleprousrigorousdesirousscabrouslustrousdextrouslecherous
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