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Organizing in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+9Posted:2017-04-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: organizeorganizerorganizeddisorganizedorganizationorganizationalnonprofit organizationworld trade organization
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181. Mr. Murray, I know that you're organizing a protest march in favor of the farmers.
182. To investigate CT features and value of diagnosis of focal organizing pneumonia ( FOP ).
183. Mary says she has a new way of organizing the work load, but I bet it will just be the mixture as before.
184. The Mormons, organizing themselves in response to a religious vision, practiced polygamy in all their settlements.
185. On that day, the Chinese Society for Chinese Medicine Department of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee volunteers donated a "volunteer Xiaoshu Chinese herb tea" formula.
186. The members of MICC had done much work for the MS visiting, including prophase drumbeating , the visitor reception , the meeting place order organizing and so on.
187. Gloves and protective gears will be provided by the Organizing Committee.
188. This paper attempts to analyze the retailing shape evolution from the perspective of organizing ability.
189. Article 3 The General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for organizing and administering customs statistics throughout the country.
190. Fill out the application form carefully and send the form with company chop back to the organizing committee by fax or mail.
191. Cognitive semantics is an effective approach to analyze the natural language that puts special emphasis on language as an instrument for organizing, processing and conveying information.
192. Ecologist who looked for patterns in nature regarded food as an organizing influence in communities.
193. This paper proposes a novel growing neural gas self organizing algorithm to identify chaotic systems by imitating biological group population growing process.
194. Fifthly,[] organizing cadres to go to grass - roots to provide guidance for post - disaster reconstruction.
195. The organizing expense, customs duties of samples, inland transport charge and other relative expenses paid on account by representative office for large exhibitions in China held by head office.
196. Please describe his skill level in organizing ideas, using proper grammar and spelling, and expressing thoughts creatively.
197. At the beginning of the 21st century, the task of organizing and implementing Knowledge Infrastructure and Management Engineering has become a pressing issue.
198. Organizing events for alumni of programs other than Humphrey, Fulbright or International Visitor.
199. If the law is too lenient, it will allow the Internet to be used as a means of instilling fear and organizing domestic terrorism.
200. They were using the term Work Cell (from Lean Manufactoring) for organizing developers in small teams.
201. Assist in organizing meetings of various departments to ensure the smooth convocation of the activities.
202. By organizing data block partition, two layer nested bintree were built.
203. Will: I was thinking of organizing an office car pool.
204. BladeSmith — A tool for organizing a DataBlade module development project.
205. This article presented the concept and characteristics of the subject gateway at first, and then analyzed the organizing manners of information resource for Chinese Chorography.
206. Simultaneously, some available suggestions were put forward, such as organizing craft union, overcoming immunity failure measures, improving fur quality and using rightly vaccines et al.
207. The main downside would be the logistical difficulty of organizing a bailout involving thousands of off-balance-sheet entities across the country.
208. Organizing, planning, supervising, directing, coordinating and delegating skills and ability to apply motivational techniques and methods.
209. B : First of all, you should hold an organizing committee meeting.
210. "Initially we thought it would be nearly impossible to get the authorization from the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), and wanted to give up," Chen says.
More similar words: organizeorganizerorganizeddisorganizedorganizationorganizationalnonprofit organizationworld trade organizationorganicorganiseorganismpatronizingdisorganiseorganisationmicroorganismorganic evolutionorganorganellecapsizingappetizingtantalizingunappetizingtranquilizingorgasmgargantuansmorgasbordgalvanizeurbanizedshenanigandehumanize
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