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Normality in a sentence

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Sentence count:132+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: formalformallynormallyinformalmalleabilityqualityvitalityvenalityMeaning: [nɔr'mælətɪ /'nɔː-]  n. 1. (of a solution) concentration expressed in gram equivalents of solute per liter 2. being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning 3. expectedness as a consequence of being usual or regular or common 4. conformity with the norm. 
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1. A complete return to normality may take weeks.
2. We're hoping for a return to normality as soon as possible.
3. By now any semblance of normality had disappeared.
4. Life at last returned to some semblance of normality.
5. At least a semblance of normality has been restored to parts of the country.
6. A semblance of normality has returned with people going to work and shops re-opening.
7. They are hoping for a return to normality now that the war is over.
8. He tried to restore some semblance of normality to their home life.
9. We'll soon get back to some semblance of normality .
10. Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.
11. The normality judgment task has an additional purpose.
12. They would like normality, but without its faults.
13. The children soon settled down once normality was re-established.
14. I relapsed into a seeming normality.
15. She was clinging desperately to normality and self-respect.
16. Gone were the last vestiges of normality.
17. The war-torn area is returning to normality.
18. The same is true of the construct of normality.
19. We're trying to return C-Wing to normality.
20. Of course,( not all judgments about psychological normality whether by therapists or by other people-are based on the degree of expressiveness.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. The activity gave a normality to the scene which belied the extraordinary events that had taken place there just a few days before.
22. The normality of Highly dangerous cars crash violently in comparison with?
23. The city has now returned to some semblance of normality after last night's celebrations.
24. The will to survive is extraordinary and at times overwhelming, capable of fashioning some form of normality even out of the darkest hour.
25. After the flood there was a slow return to normality.
26. After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.
27. These studies have been classified into those which supported normality and those which did not.
28. Data were examined initially using the Francia and Shapria W' test of normality.
29. Midwives consult with a doctor if there is any deviation from normality during the birth.
30. The main office gradually returned to a semblance of normality.
More similar words: formalformallynormallyinformalmalleabilityqualityvitalityvenalitysexualitymortalitygeneralitypersonalitynationalityconvivialityprincipalityoriginalityimpartialityessentialitytechnicalitymunicipalitymortality rateinfant mortalityconfidentialitythermalformatdormantgeothermalformationperformanceinformation
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