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Neutralize in a sentence

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Sentence count:60+2Posted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: counteractcounterbalancecountervaildo inknock offliquidatenegateneutralisenullifywasteSimilar words: neutralizedneutralityneutralisationneutraldecentralizeliberalizedemoralizedemoralizedMeaning: ['nuːtrəlaɪz /'njuː-]  v. 1. make politically neutral and thus inoffensive 2. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of 3. oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions 4. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing 5. make incapable of military action 6. make chemically neutral. 
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31 Neutralize the harmful cation, reduces the radiation electric wave.
32 Nothing could neutralize its good effects.
33 No method has been found yet to bury them safely or to neutralize them.
34 He was happiest whenever he could identify a threat and take steps to neutralize it.
35 Cell protection: Q 10 and vitamin E neutralize free radicals thereby protecting the cells against oxidative stress.
36 Generally, we can get the capacity that lubricating oil neutralize acid by measuring TBN in lubricate to prevent overuse of lubricate oil.
37 If you could neutralize the root cause, you could eliminate the problem.
38 Buffer soln. was used to neutralize the waste liquors from mercerization. The soln. was worthy to be widely used in text dyeing and printing for its good results, simple operation and low cost.
39 Nor is it assembling an orbiting battle fleet to neutralize American space - based military tools.
40 But could a statin pill really neutralize the harmful effects of a pit stop at the local burger joint?
41 Neutralize 5 terrorists in a row by performing head shots using a Sound Suppressor.
42 He tried to neutralize the tremor in his voice by looking anywhere but at her face.
43 Screamers were developed to neutralize the war on the ground.
44 This formula contains Allantoin and Panthenol to soothe environmentally stressed skin and Vitamin C to neutralize damaging free radicals.
45 We need merely to neutralize it with bombardment in order to dominate the bottleneck.
46 Alfalfa, barley grass, wheat grass, lecithin, spirulina, royal jelly(, chlorella and non-dairy probiotic cultures are all packed with nutrients that strengthen our immune system and neutralize toxins.
47 The antibody can either neutralize the virus or activate the C system, which lyses virus - infected cells.
48 The invention discloses an alkaline nutrient and a preparation method thereof, which relates to a nutrient that can neutralize and adjust different acidic materials inside human bodies.
48 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
49 Intervention by Asian governments should attempt only to neutralize the hot money, in my view.
50 Great-tasting, chewable TUMS go straight to the heartburn to neutralize acid fast.
51 A gene that helps neutralize aluminum toxicity in rice has been identified.
52 The alkalinity of water is a measure of its capacity to neutralize acids.
53 Calcium oxide can neutralize peptic acid better than calcium carbonate.
54 At present, the unique effective therapy is to inject tetanus anti-toxin (TAT) or human tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG) into patient to neutralize the exotoxin.
55 Neutralize clothing is the extended concept from the functional classification under the influence of neutral fashion.
56 The Air Force and Navy planes took off to neutralize the Iraqi air defense system.
57 The banana can also neutralize the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and reduce the pain.
58 The product is a specially formulated laundry sour to neutralize residual alkalinity.
59 This paper researches the contradictoriness between qualities decisionmakers should have, and how to neutralize these contradictions, in order to enhance decisionmakers comprehensive quality.
60 Natural-looking cover hides dark circles, blemishes, shaving nicks. Helps neutralize redness. Blends invisibly into skin. Long-wearing formula is water- and sweat-resistant, too. For all skin types.
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