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Capitalize in a sentence

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Sentence count:65+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: capitalismcapitalhospitalizationcapitatantalizecapitulationrealizesocializeMeaning: ['kæpɪtlaɪz]  v. 1. draw advantages from 2. supply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenders 3. write in capital letters 4. compute the present value of a business or an income 5. consider expenditures as capital assets rather than expenses 6. convert (a company's reserve funds) into capital. 
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(1) The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.
(2) We tried to capitalize the customers'curiosity to increase our gross sales.
(3) The opposition tried to capitalize on popular discontent over the new law.
(4) We should capitalize on every chance we get to improve our English.
(5) Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can.
(6) You must capitalize on your opportunities to give full play to your professional knowledge.
(7) Don't forget to capitalize the first letter in the sentence.
(8) One columnist suggested that the government capitalize on the vendors' street stalls by turning them into tourist attractions.
(9) Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. Zig Ziglar 
(10) Eager to capitalize on the commercial potential of his designs, he launched a collection of stark, monochrome headscarves for ladies.
(11) Be sure to capitalize the first word of every sentence.
(12) Both will capitalize on the beautiful assets already in place in Ventura -- the views, the ocean, the clean air.
(13) Papen wanted to capitalize on the situation by breaking the mould of the Constitution and ruling by force against right and left.
(14) To capitalize on the cross-cultural appeal of chile peppers(sentence dictionary), the bottle is labeled in five languages.
(15) He's decided to capitalize all his property.
(16) Everyone should capitalize on his opportunity.
(17) Should we capitalize the letter?
(18) The bank has promised to capitalize our new business.
(19) All political candidates are men of the moment, and all capitalize on their greatest strength.
(20) By 1984, the Olympics were open to track professionals, but Milburn, then 34, was too old to capitalize.
(21) Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.
(22) Politically motivated intellectuals tended not to fall silent on receiving official positions but to capitalize on their prominence.
(23) In Chapter 9(, we consider how individuals and organizations can capitalize on the new manager experience.
(24) Often, conservative ex-communists, impatient radicals or politicians seeking to capitalize on popular discontent can give presidents a hard ride.
(25) A second classification was made using a supervised approach so that we could capitalize on our local knowledge of the study area.
(26) Such unrealized potentials exist everywhere, waiting for some one to capitalize on them.
(27) With its preeminent worldwide Web-hosting position, Verio is strategically poised to capitalize on the global electronic commerce explosion.
(28) But the company, which specialized in minicomputers, failed to capitalize on the switch to personal computers.
(29) In promoting technology development, cities have been able to capitalize on a growing number of state level programs and investments.
(30) They have not stood pat while other teams attempted to capitalize on their setbacks.
More similar words: capitalismcapitalhospitalizationcapitatantalizecapitulationrealizesocializevisualizehospitalspecializedemoralizesocializedmarginalizerationalizedemoralizedItaliancommercializetotalitarianismcapillaryidolizeutilizefertilizeepitomizevitalhospitabledigitalinhospitableprecipitationnaturalization
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