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Network in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: electronic networkmeshmeshingmeshworknetwebSimilar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offMeaning: [ˈnetwɜːk]  n. 1. an interconnected system of things or people 2. (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs 3. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals 4. a system of intersecting lines or channels 5. (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits. v. communicate with and within a group. 
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31. Simon's stock is high in the network news business.
32. Professor Davis will talk about 'Trends in Network Computing'.
33. The computers are linked into a network.
34. Users can access data across a network.
35. All computer users are connected on a network.
36. All these PCs are linked up to the network.
37. Conferences are a good place to network.
38. The telephone network is still under state control.
39. Beneath the city lies a labyrinthine network of tunnels.
40. The railway network soon spread across the globe.
41. The ultimate aim is to expand the network further.
42. The old-boy network still operates in some City banks.
43. The network blacked out the New York City area.
44. Network news coverage often lacks depth.
45. They are developing marketing network.
46. We are extending the radio network.
47. The national TV network carries religious programmes.
48. The procedure for logging on to the network usually involves a password.
49. The network has several new dramas lined up for the fall season.
50. The city is dissected by a network of old canals.
51. It's important to build up a network of professional contacts.
52. A network of ripples quivered momentarily across the surface of the still pool.
53. The newspapers are sent out via a national distribution network.
54. The network will be down for an hour for routine maintenance.
55. Easy access to a railway network weighed heavily with us when we chose a site for the new factory.
56. There will be no further costs as long as the bank is part of the giro network.
57. The committee will study the feasibility of setting up a national computer network.
58. The network finally gave Keaton a shot at presenting his own show.
59. For a change,[] the fight will be televised free to air on the Fox Network.
60. The company has been leading the way in network applications for several years.
More similar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offwork atworkshoppaintworkout of workframeworkworkplacethe working classbetweenmeet withplanetgeneticcabinetInternetnonethelessmagneticat one timeforkporkplanetariumwordworthworry
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