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Network in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: electronic networkmeshmeshingmeshworknetwebSimilar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offMeaning: [ˈnetwɜːk]  n. 1. an interconnected system of things or people 2. (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs 3. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals 4. a system of intersecting lines or channels 5. (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits. v. communicate with and within a group. 
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271. The only positive line of local-central political communication was the Bolshevik Party network.
272. How well the network trains can now be judged instantly without making tedious error calculations.
273. At best the ads would attract a very small incremental audience to the network.
274. Other freight and passenger operators will have open access rights to this network.
275. Soon after completion of the network of lines around Stratford, work started on a massive locomotive plant.
276. This allows users to communicate in various ways with others on participating network systems.
277. The Food Lion suit has been closely watched because hidden-camera reports have become a popular staple of network newsmagazine shows.
278. Student assemblies, cafeterias, and libraries provided a semi-institutional network within which radical ideas and literature could circulate.
279. John Godfrey Saxe Several characteristics of neural network technology set it apart from conventional computing and artificial intelligence approaches.
280. The latter were critical; only by effective network building could the new managers implement their agendas.
281. Several new contracts are already being negotiated with Rentokil's financial backing and branch network offering further benefits to prospects.
282. Into this milieu comes now the neural network approach to artificial intelligence,[Sentence dictionary] where learning is built into every system.
283. Closely allied to our aims and ethos are the School's pastoral system and support network.
284. The two companies have also announced an agreement to co-operate on local network management technologies.
285. Although the industry is rapidly introducing advanced digital communication technologies, the telephone network continues to be dependent on analog transmission.
286. Funding for this network will be provided by the three ministries, regional authorities, and network users.
287. Each local network of cattle stealing provided an alternative system of power and wealth in that locality.
288. The logjam is occurring because of increased demand on the global communications network.
289. This paper proposes a multimedia real - time sharing system - to - Peer ( P 2 P ) network < ...
290. The popularity of the Internet has customers requesting online access to their accounts as well as online bill payment, further increasing network exposure.
291. Form to development balanced, balanced coordinative development, radiate the nation - wide town network driven to develop system.
More similar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offwork atworkshoppaintworkout of workframeworkworkplacethe working classbetweenmeet withplanetgeneticcabinetInternetnonethelessmagneticat one timeforkporkplanetariumwordworthworry
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