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Network in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: electronic networkmeshmeshingmeshworknetwebSimilar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offMeaning: [ˈnetwɜːk]  n. 1. an interconnected system of things or people 2. (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs 3. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals 4. a system of intersecting lines or channels 5. (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits. v. communicate with and within a group. 
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61. For enterprises and service providers, the use of network processors ensures against premature product obsolescence.
62. There is a need for greater flexibility in the way the network is managed.
63. I want to upload data to the computer network storage from my office computer.
64. Andy, do you know when the network will be up again?
65. The new rail services will form a network connecting the capital and major cities.
66. Your print job has been sent to the network print queue.
67. The network of 366 local offices is being rationalised to leave the company with 150 to 200 larger branch offices.
68. The railway network had reached its greatest extent in route mileage.
69. It is generally appreciated that the rail network needs a complete overhaul.
70. We are currently developing a number of best practices to enhance network security.
71. You can take part in multiplayer games either on a LAN network or via the internet.
72. All that digging had left a network of abandoned mines and tunnels.
73. The network ran into controversy over claims of faked documentary footage.
74. In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.
75. We've just spent £1.9 million on improving our computer network.
76. Ankor Wat is part of a vast network of around a hundred ancient temples hidden deep in the Cambodian jungle.
77. If one of the file servers goes down, you lose the whole network.
78. A teenager was accused of cracking into the company's network.
78. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
79. The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.
80. He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide.
81. This new product line should be able to plug into our existing distribution network.
82. Recruiting staff used to be done by means of the old boy network.
83. What is the maximum allowable number of users on the network?
84. It might be prudent to get a virus detector for the network.
85. Drinking water is brought to the village through a network of underground pipes.
86. The evidence pointed to the existence of an international smuggling network.
87. The new network will enable data to be processed more speedily.
88. It's very hard for battered women to rebuild their lives without a good support network.
89. We next had to navigate a complex network of committees.
90. Huge sections of the rail network are out of action.
More similar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offwork atworkshoppaintworkout of workframeworkworkplacethe working classbetweenmeet withplanetgeneticcabinetInternetnonethelessmagneticat one timeforkporkplanetariumwordworthworry
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