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Needy in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+4Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: destituteimpoverishedindigentnecessitouspoverty-strickenSimilar words: greedyneedneedsneedleremedytragedyneemkneeMeaning: ['nɪːdɪ]  n. needy people collectively. adj. 1. poor enough to need help from others 2. demanding or needing attention, affection, or reassurance to an excessive degree. 
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61. But he will still be organising 13,000 volunteers into bringing some kind of Christmas to 125,000 needy, lonely or down-and-out people.
62. It permitted, but did not, as Wilson had intended, require local authorities to provide meals for needy schoolchildren.
63. The service is available to needy children who live in California.
64. On the one hand, a growing, needy world population eliminates nature day by day.
65. Take them to Boots and Help the Aged will distribute them to needy people around the world.
66. The vouchers, redeemable from public funds, were meant to alleviate social hardship among the most needy of the population.
67. The holiday is also celebrated with small gifts for children and the distribution of meat to the needy.
68. Public aid to the needy and even public sanitation tended to perpetuate the more vulnerable members of the race.
69. They've launched an appeal to send canned food, medicine and toys to the needy.
70. Madeleine Noble's story is one of dedication to the elderly and needy.
71. It eliminates the federal guarantee of cash assistance for the needy.
72. Bush has agreed to serve as co-chairman with Clinton at an April summit in Philadelphia to encourage volunteers to help the needy.
73. The church has inspired countless compassionate men and women to help the needy in times of famine, war, and plague.
74. Ciotilde then spent the rest of her life tending to the needy.
75. Empress Adelaide founded monasteries, convents, and donated generously to the needy.
76. He thought praying and other religious acts were worthless and hypocritical in the absence of active service to the needy.
77. If I eyed them now and then it was with forgiveness, as one forgives the debt of a needy friend.
78. This is yet another Northern Ireland example of self help in a very needy situation.
79. Funds are urgently needed to ensure defence in the growing number of political trials and for needy families.
80. Moron! - I thought you were needy.
81. An avaricious man is always needy.
82. 34 An idle youth, a needy age.
83. He is a shabby, needy man.
84. As the proverb says , idle young, needy old.
85. He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy.
86. The soldiers dealt out rice to the needy.
87. They collected money to help needy children.
88. It behooves us to help the needy.
89. What man as needy as Mr. Quiverful would have been more disinterested?
90. Objective:To explore the volume of needy water on ultrasonic nebulization inhalation under different room temperature.
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