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Moth in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+1Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mothersmothermotherlandmammothmotheringgrandmothermotormottoMeaning: [mɔθ /mɒθ]  n. typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae. 
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121) The titi is to the gamin what the moth is to the larva; the same being endowed with wings and soaring.
122) The potato, SpuntaG2, contains a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis which acts like a built-in pesticide against the tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella).
123) The Hummingbird moth is a small moth that flies during the day.
124) Effects of methanol extracts from caudex of Ammo pitanthus mongolicus L. on the growth of the larvae of diamondback moth, Plutella xylosiella L. were investigated in laboratory.
125) In order to guarantee the quality of silkworms eggs, multiple sampling plan is put forward about the sampling inspection of pebrine for mother moth in the silkworm.
126) The adorable inchworm is really the caterpillar of the geometer moth.
127) After it turns into a moth it chews a hole out of the round ball to burrow its way out.
128) The results showed that the temperature have significant infection on the growth and development of Indian meal moth.
129) Phalaenopsis domestic market all the way to good at the same time, the moth orchid and international market development is the ascendant.
130) With a wide range of food, swifts mainly live on hymenoptera and diptera such as fly, butterfly and moth.
131) Photo taken on September 6 shows a monster moth captured by agro-technician Wang Yuzheng at home in Jiangxi Province.
132) Wait like bug of maggot of bee, fly, yellow pink, batty moth, cockroach, mole cricket.
133) The fading chanteuse, he wrote, was "like a dying moth, " singing "in a voice like a shout from a tomb, . . . the voice of life itself, refusing to die,( refusing to be silenced."
134) Bright ruby-red with a hint of violet glow, fruity bouquet with notes of cherry, spicy nuances, moth filling with a tender not, good length with a fruity finish.
135) A small, pale gray moth (Anagasta kuehniella) now found worldwide, the larvae of which destroy flour and other stored grain products.
136) We presented the problems in controlling this moth in Yunnan, through reviewing the advances in studying potato tuber moth. Meanwhile the advices os pest management in future work were suggested.
137) Miss Lin shook her head, then fluttered from the room like a moth.
138) Moth larvae, carpet beetles, and silverfish feed on the natural fabrics in your clothes, causing small holes or shreds.
139) It'showed strong adaptability in the growth potential and resisting gypsy moth.
140) As a result, the application of gypsy moth NPV in the control of Lymantria dispar was safe in tussah field.
141) Soon, he was away in his new 16 - metre boat, Gipsy Moth.
142) Silk is obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm moth, which was originally native to the forests of China.
143) If you do decide to use the comb in your trap check it often for wax moth larva and wax moths to prevent a major infestation.
144) The utility model is simple in structure, convenient in manufacture, efficient in making moth box, convenient in the checking of silkworm moth and little in the influence on the checking result.
145) Hard surface with fine texture, dust - proof , anti - bacteria, moth proof and easy cleaning.
146) Like a moth light alone , Samson went back again and again to Delilah.
147) This paper illuminated the occurrence law, biological traits, and control of potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella in Yunnan, China.
148) Butterfly and moth of common feature is the body and wing surface was full of five forehead six color scale and fine fur.
149) So the female silkworm moth powder may have the homologous estrogen biologic character.
150) Most of the clothes in the cupboard have got the moth in them.
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