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Morrow in a sentence

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Sentence count:79+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tomorrowborrowsorrowborrowedsorrowfulhorrorarrownarrowMeaning: ['mɑrəʊ /'mɒ-]  n. the next day. 
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1) Seize the present day, trusting the morrow as little as may be. 
2) They were to arrive on the morrow.
3) We do depart for Wales on the morrow.
4) Take no thought for the morrow .
5) We had to leave on the morrow .
6) Good morrow to you, my lord.
7) Who knows what the morrow will bring?
8) They arranged to meet on the morrow.
9) They wondered what the morrow had in store for them.
10) A considerable improvement on Miss Morrow.
11) But, Alas, we relapse again on the morrow.
12) What will the morrow bring?
13) King: How now, my noble lords,( good morrow!
14) Why not stay here tonight and on the morrow I will have some one take you over to Briar Cottage with a wagon?
15) Good-bye, Miss Morrow, and thanks for your help, which I suppose I will recover from.
16) He should take no thought for the morrow, and should bear in mind that possessions imply making provision for the future.
17) Morrow was convicted in 1998 of sending four letter bombs to government officials.
18) We tried to map out excursions for the morrow.
19) He vowed he himself would lead a return to Whitechapel on the morrow.
20) Thinking a great many thoughts about home and the morrow, we dropped off at last into a restless sleep.
21) Faithful to his orders(, she had no fears for the morrow.
22) I divined that they spoke of the woman who was on trial for her life in Geneva on the morrow.
23) She said goodnight a second time, and ran downstairs again, to wrestle with all her preparations for the morrow.
24) The enemy bottled up, trapped ... This sounded an excellent strategy, and all plans were made for the morrow.
25) Still incensed by what she had heard earlier, she began mentally planning a short journey for the morrow.
26) Ride to Langholm in Eskdale this first night, then lie up there over the morrow.
27) We retreated to the house, with confessions of lost-bottle and do-better vows for the morrow.
28) There was the possibility of kingfisher and water rail for early risers on the morrow.
29) Finishing with a par 4 Stevie had won and on the morrow would be presented by the Princess with his Golden Putter.
30) Upper Gumtree, it seemed to me, might revive spectacularly on the morrow, given oats, fresh air and exercise.
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